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The Ambassador welcomes the Trustee of the Basque Children's Association BCA'37UK, Mr. Simon Martinez

​The Association brings together Basque children and their descendants evacuated to the United Kingdom in 1937.​

September 22, 2022

On September 23, 1937, 4.000 Basque children arrived in Southampton aboard the SS Havana from Bilbao. More than 250 of these children remained the UK indefinitely

Today only some of them are still with us, but the Association tries to keep their memory alive, as well as preserve the link between them and their descendants with Spain. In order to do this, they organize exhibitions, conferences or keep the archives of the journey and experience of these children in the United Kingdom. In a few days time, a monument will be inaugurated in Southampton in memory of the children of Havana, and in gratitude to the British people.