II Santander SME´s Award ceremony

The award, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, recognises the role of Spanish SMEs in the British market

February 13, 2025

The Ambassador, the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in the United Kingdom and the Head of International Transactions of Santander UK, explained the value of small and medium-sized enterprises in the current context and recognised the merits of the awarded companies.

The Guest of Honour, Chris Barton, Trade Commissioner for Europe of the British Government, referred to the excellent trade and investment relations between Spain and the United Kingdom, assuring that "Spain is a highly valued partner and friend of the United Kingdom". Chris Barton presented the awards of the event to the companies Praxia and Lura Care.

Praxia, a company dedicated to photovoltaic energy, won the award in the Export category, and Lura Care, specialists in services for the elderly, in the Investment category.

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