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Ambassador's visit to the north of Scotland

​​José Pascual Marco met with local politicians and Spanish companies with interests in the area

June 11, 2024

The Spanish representative, accompanied by the Consul General in Edinburgh, held a meeting in Aberdeen with Sir Ian Wood, founder of the "Wood Group" and current President of "Energy Transition Zone Ltd", a company dedicated to supporting the energy transition in the Aberdeen region.​

The Ambassador then travelled to the island of Flotta, to learn about Repsol's plans in the Orkney archipelago.


In Kirkwall (Mainland island) he met members of the Orkney Council, who gave him a clearer perspective of the region and explained the potential for renewable energy. The Ambassador also visited the Italian chapel, a building constructed by Italian prisoners during World War II, and had dinner with local politicians and representatives of the civil society.

Finally, José Pascual Marco visited the facilities of the EMEC (European Maritime Energy Centre), one of the largest research and experimental centres in the world, as well as the UNESCO-listed Neolithic site of Skara Brae, an example of sustainable heritage management.