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A group of Spanish naval ships docked in Portsmouth and Southampton

The seven vessels took part in the first phase of the NATO Steadfast Defender 24 manoeuvres, which took place in British waters.

February 22, 2024

​The chargé d'affaires, José María Robles Fraga, and the Defence attaché, Captain José Luís Nieto Fernández, visited the ships of the 31st and 41st Navy Squadrons, which arrived in Portsmouth after participating in the first phase of NATO Steadfast Defender 24 manoeuvres.

 This visit coincided with the presence of NATO's Permanent Naval Group No. 1 in Southampton, commanded by a Spanish Admiral aboard the Juan de Bourbon, which also includes the supply ship “Cantabria." In addition to the aforementioned ships, the Cristóbal Colón was also in port. They all participated in the aforementioned NATO naval manoeuvres.

 ​The deployment of seven warships displays the high level of availability of the Spanish Navy, the interoperability of our ships, Spain's commitment to NATO and the strength of our bilateral relations with the United Kingdom.