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Women's Day Networking Reception

​The event took place at the Embassy and brought together personalities from the  business world.

March 29, 2023

​To celebrate Women's Day, the Embassy and the Chamber of Commerce organized an event to claim equality and the role of women in society. The event was attended by Spanish and British women from the business world.

 The Ambassador, José Pascual Marco, underlined  that Spain is "strongly committed to equality".  Furthermore,  Eduardo Barrachina, President of the Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom and Raquel Barrera, from the Board of Directors emphasized the increasing incorporation of women into positions of responsibility.

 The event was closed by Baroness D'Souza, a member of the House of Lords, who highlighted the role of women in politics, recalling that progress still needs to be made. For that reason, she invited men to collaborate, not only those with leadership ​roles, but also as "husbands, fathers, brothers and sons"
