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Instituto Cervantes London presents the “Cervantes Tours”

These guided tours in Spanish explore the Spanish legacy in London

February 23, 2023

Tour of the Spanish queens

This route focuses on Westminster Abbey, officially the Collegiate Church of St Peter in Westminster, the place where Monarchs are crowned and where many of them and other famous people are buried.

Tour of the masterpieces of Spanish art in the National Gallery.

The Spanish painting collection is one of the most important in the world outside of Spain. Most of the pieces belong to the Golden Age, a period between 1575 and 1700, with works by Velázquez, Murillo, Zurbarán, El Greco and Goya.

Tour of the Spanish exiles in London.

Protestants, Liberals and Republican exiles are remembered, and their contribution to Spanish and British culture. Thus, we will know where Rafael Martínez Nadal, Gregorio Prieto, Luis Cernuda and Arturo Duperier lived and worked. In Bayswater, a residential area north of Hyde Park, the Spanish Home and the Chaplaincy were founded.

Information about the tours and registration: