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Restoration of century-old rugs at the Embassy

These are two Turkish knot rugs from the Residence, dating from 1929 and 1956 respectively.

April 22, 2023

The rugs are made from natural fibres and their quality, which is measured by square centimetres, is extreme. The carpet in the main hall is four square metres and the one in the dining room is eight. In the latter, the knot is much smaller, which makes the drawings   more intricate.

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Photo of the rug in the main hall during its restoration

Due many years of wear and tear, the rugs needed to be restored. The objective of the three experts who work in the restoration is to repair and strengthen its fibres as the "weft" is what gives them strength and elasticity. It is then a case of redoing the weave to give consistency to the carpet once again, replacing  the lost knots with new ones.

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Photo of the rug in the gala dining room before its restoration

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The rug already during the restoring process