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The Centre for European Reform celebrates its 25th Anniversary

​​The prestigious British think tank celebrated its anniversary at the Embassy with the Secretary of State for Levelling up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove.

November 14, 2023

The event was attended by prominent local political and civil society members, as well as the European diplomatic corps accredited in London.

The Ambassador congratulated the President of the CER on this 25th anniversary, highlighting the hard work that has made them one of the academic references on the relations of the European Union with the United Kingdom.

The President of the CER reviewed some of the centre's milestones during those 25 years, renewing its commitment to the debate and promotion of the European link.

The Secretary of State, for his part, called for a “special relationship" between London and the continent. Mr. Gove also noted the improvement made regarding ties with the United and the EU after the signing of the Windsor Framework and the return of the United Kingdom to the Horizon programme, and opted to progress with cooperation in defense and security.