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World Travel Market 2023

The event takes place in London from 6th-8th November.​

November 6, 2023

​This tourism fair, one of the most important of its kind, has an immense Spanish presence, as Spain is one of the main global tourist destinations. In 2022, we were the second most visited country in the world with almost 72 million tourists, and up until September of this year more than 66 million visitors arrived in Spain, of which 20% - nearly fourteen million - were British. The United Kingdom has been, for many years, Spain's main tourist market.

 The Spanish representation at the fair was headed by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, Héctor Gómez, who insisted on Spain's commitment to sustainable, digital and inclusive tourism. The Presidents of Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and the Valencian Community also attended the event, as well as numerous mayors from all over Spain.

 ​On the occasion of this event, the Embassy offered a reception that brought together Spanish authorities and British companies. The Ambassador and the Secretary of State for Tourism praised the good health of Spanish tourism and the trust of the British people in our country.