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Spanish-British Tertulias

​Alicante hosted the 34th edition of the Tertulias from 3rd to 4th November. ​

November 4, 2023

​The gathering consisted of around sixty participants, amongst whom were the Secretary of State for the European Union, Pascual Navarro, and the Ambassadors of Spain and the United Kingdom, José Pascual Marco and Hugh Elliott.

 For two days, prominent representatives from businesses, culture, politics and the media addressed current issues such as artificial intelligence, immigration, social networks, the economy and geopolitics.

 Alicante was chosen as the venue to hold the event, a city which has become an attractive focus for entrepreneurs where a significant community of Britons reside.

 ​The Tertulias have been held annually since 1988, alternatively in Spain and the United Kingdom, with the aim at contributing to a better understanding between the civil societies of both countries. The initiative arose following the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Spain.