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The Spanish-Peruvian pavilion at the London Design Biennale

The installation pays homage to the cajón, an instrument linked to both cultures and associated with flamenco.

May 31, 2023

​The Counsellor of Culture attended the inauguration of the London Design Biennale, in which Spain and Peru participate together with the "Common Vibrations" pavilion. The common thread is the cajón, an instrument incorporated into flamenco from Afro-Peruvian music by Paco de Lucia, who discovered it in Lima during a visit in 1977.

The pavilion, curated by Covadonga Blasco Veganzones, received favorable reviews from the public and the jury, who highlighted the clarity and elegance of its design.

The Embassies of Spain and Peru, Acción Cultural Española, the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, the Carlos III University of Madrid, the SUR School of Architecture, the Santa María de Arequipa Catholic University, the Professional School of Architecture of Arequipa, the University of Castilla la Mancha, the Toledo School of Architecture, the María Pagés Choreographic Center, as well as Figueras Seating and Allianz Seguros, have all collaborated in the installation.