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Tuvo lugar en Ritarihuone el pasado 10 de octubre

Celebración de la Fiesta Nacional 2017 y discurso del Embajador de España

El pasado 10 de octubre tuvo lugar la celebración de la Fiesta Nacional de España 2017, a la que acudieron diversos invitados de múltiples instancias y autoridades finlandesas, así como una representación de la colectividad española residente en Helsinki.

16 de octubre de 2017

El pasado 10 de octubre la Embajada de España en Helsinki celebró la Fiesta Nacional de España en la Sala de la Nobleza (Ritarihuone) de Helsinki.

El acto consistió en la bienvenida a los invitados, la interpretación de los himnos de España, Finlandia y la Unión Europea por parte de Guadalupe López-Íñiguez, el discurso del Embajador, Manuel de la Cámara Hermoso, y la posterior recepción.

La Embajada desea agradecer especialmente la colaboración de la Oficina Española de Turismo en HelsinkiSe abre en ventana nueva, así como de los siguientes patrocinadores:


A continuación, por su interés, se reproduce el discurso del Embajador de España:

I want to start by thanking all the staff of the Spanish Embassy for the impressive work they have done to prepare this reception. Without them today’s celebration would not have been possible.
I also want to thank all the sponsors who have contributed with their support to our party, Restaurant Bar-Con, Bodegas Patrocinio, Franco-Españolas, Altanza, Muriel from la Rioja and, from Catalonia, Félix Solís, Freixenet and Codorníu.
Queridos compatriotas españoles,
Quiero comenzar mis palabras dirigiéndome a vosotros para agradecer vuestra presencia en esta recepción, en la que celebramos la Fiesta Nacional de España. Me siento muy orgulloso de la colonia española en Finlandia y de las asociaciones que la representan. Vosotros sois excelentes embajadores de nuestro país.
Los españoles nos encontramos en un momento muy delicado, al enfrentarnos a un serio desafío secesionista contra nuestra democracia. Quiero enviaros a los que estáis aquí un mensaje de confianza: España no se va a disolver, ni trocear y los derechos de todos los españoles y de todos los catalanes van a ser respetados.
Quiero pediros un recuerdo especial para nuestras Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad, la Policía Nacional y la Guardia Civil. Juegan un papel fundamental en la salvaguardia de nuestra seguridad y de nuestras libertades y necesitan ahora nuestro apoyo y afecto.
Quiero agradecer también, en este día en el que celebramos la Fiesta del 12 de Octubre, la presencia de todos aquellos que nos acompañan aquí, que proceden de los países hermanos de Iberoamérica, con los que compartimos desde hace siglos la misma lengua y cultura y enormes afectos. A todos vosotros os mando un abrazo muy especial.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I want to thank the Finnish authorities here present, my fellow Ambassadors, diplomats and all our friends who have joined us here today, when we celebrate Spain’s National Day. Your presence is especially appreciated.
On behalf of my Government and of the Spanish people, I want to congratulate our Finnish hosts on the Centenary of their independence. Finland is greatly admired in Spain for its achievements in social and economic development, its impressive standards of education and its capacity of innovation, entrepreneurship and design. Many Finns visit and live in Spain, over 730.000 every year, and a growing number of Spaniards visit Finland. We have direct daily flights between Finland and several cities of Spain. This gives us the opportunity to know and appreciate each other better.
Next year we will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Finland and Spain. It will be a good occasion to deepen our relations in the political, economic, technological and cultural fields. We are preparing some high level visits and a number of initiatives to give impulse to our relations.
Dear friends,
Spain is a modern and advanced democracy, based on the rule of law. Our Constitution was adopted in 1978 by wide consensus, including an overwhelming majority of Catalans, after a political transition from a long dictatorship to democracy, a transition that was admired and praised throughout the world. Our society is open, pluralist, tolerant and inclusive, based on humanistic values. With the effort of all of us, Spaniards, we have achieved unprecedented levels of prosperity. Many Finns visit our country every year and are witness to all of this.
Catalonia does not differ from the rest of Spain: it is an open and pluralist society. It is one of the wealthiest regions, not only of Spain but also of the whole of Europe. It has traditionally been at the “avant-garde” of industry, innovation, culture, tourism, gastronomy and sports. It enjoys the highest degree of self-government within Spain and Europe, greater than those existing in most federal states.
Over the last few weeks Catalonia has been at the center of the world attention because the present Catalonian Government of the “Generalitat” has conducted an illegal referendum and stated its intention of seceding from Spain, to create a “Catalan Republic”. In doing so, it has placed itself outside the Constitution, the Statute of Autonomy  and the decisions of the Courts. Even the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, which was consulted by the Catalonian Government, warned that referenda must be conducted in accordance with the national Constitutions of the member states.
The parties that form the present Catalonian Government represent a minority of the population of Catalonia, but they have ignored the majority of Catalans who do not agree with their separatist project. In doing so, they created a deep social division among Catalans.
The President of the “Generalitat”, Mr. Puigdemont, has refused an invitation of the Spanish Parliament –which represents the whole Spanish people- to come and present his case. In spite of the many offers of dialogue he has refused to discuss with the central government anything but the referendum of independence, something which is not allowed by the Constitution and cannot, therefore, be authorized. No government can negotiate outside the law.
As His Majesty King Felipe has stated in his speech of October 3rd, Spain is a democratic state that offers constitutional channels for any individual to defend his/her ideas but within the respect of the law. Because, without this respect, there can be no democratic social harmony anywhere in the world.
The massive demonstration that took place last Sunday in Barcelona under the motto: “Enough! Let’s recuperate the common sense!” shows that many Catalans do not concur with these extremist ideas and want to keep being Catalan, Spaniards and European. A large part of the Catalan society took to the streets to show their desire to live in harmony among Catalans and with the rest of Spain.
The European Union is a Community of Law. This has been reaffirmed quite recently both by the Presidents of the European Commission and of the European Parliament. Last week the Vice President of the Commission, Mr. Timmermans, reiterated that the rule of law is not optional, it is fundamental. The EU Treaty establishes that the Union must respect the Constitutions of the Member States and their right to preserve their territorial integrity.
The EU cannot give its support to extreme nationalistic policies promoting unilateral independence, as this would open a very dangerous precedent in many other parts of Europe. Extreme nationalism has brought wars and devastation to our Continent. As former French President François Mitterrand stated: “le nationalisme, c’est la guerre!”
I am convinced that Spain’s democracy will be able to find solution to these difficult problems, but respecting the constitutional order and the rights of all citizens of Spain. Believe me, we Spaniards love Catalonia and the Catalans and want them to continue being part of Spain.
Let me conclude by saying that Spain strongly believes in the European project. Together, we have come a long way in creating a Union which has brought to our Continent lasting peace and unprecedented levels of prosperity and development. We are the biggest trading block, the biggest investor and the nº 1 donor of foreign aid in the world. Spain shares with many of our partners, including Finland, a vision of a Union in which together we can reach even greater achievements.
But we cannot allow that nationalistic and reactionary ideas derail this historic project of ours.

Let me ask you to join me on a toast –yes, with delicious Catalan Cava- for Finland, for Spain for the European Union and for all the countries represented here today.
Thank you very much for your attention.

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