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​A NIF is required to carry out transactions with the Spanish Tax Authority when the party concerned does not have a Spanish Identity Card (DNI) or Foreigner's Identification Number (NIE).

The following people have the right to apply for a NIF number through the Consular Office:

  • Spanish citizens residing abroad without DNI and with citizenship registration at the Embassy (NIF-L)
  • Foreigners residing in the Consulate area but do not have a NIE number (NIF-M)
  • Legal entities with a registered office in the Consular Area (NIF-N)


Applications for Spanish NIF must be submitted in person, directly by the very applicants or by proxy, at the premises of the Embassy of Spain in Hanoi. More information on how to obtain a NIF number can be requested by emailing

Documents required to apply for a NIF-L or NIF-M (NIF for natural persons)  

  • Form 030. An online declaration must be filled out (one declaration per applicant). After completing the declaration, please print out two copies, one for the administrative agency and one for the applicant. Both copies of the declaration have to be signed.
  • Valid Passport 
  • Proof of residence in Vietnam.
  • In case of applying for a NIF number through an authorized person, please submit a copy of the applicant's valid passport and a copy of the biographical data page of the authorized person's passport, together with the authorization letter (duly legalized and accompanied by a translation into Spanish if the power of attorney is made in front of a Vietnamese Notary Public)
  • For minors or disabled children, please submit a copy of the birth certificate and the original passport/ID card of the parent or legal representative of the child.

The applicant must provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Tax ID number in the country of origin or passport number
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Date and place of birth
  • Residence address or tax payment address abroad
  • Name and NIF number of the legal representative of the minor or the person with a disability (if any).

Documents required to apply for a NIF-N number (NIF for legal entities)

  • Form 036. An online declaration must be filled out. After completing the declaration, please print it out and sign it
  • Valid passport or identification document of the person signing the application for the NIF number.
  • Documents proving the NIF number (or NIE number) of the representative.
  • Proof of existence of the company and data to be provided: Certificate from the registry or tax authority of the country of origin certifying the existence of the company and the data declared in the form declaration, with consular legalization and a translation into Spanish.
  • Documents proving that the person signing the application is authorized to do so (a certificate from the country's financial or registry office stating that the applicant is the legal representative of the company or has a power of attorney issued by the legal representative of that company). 
  • Proof of residence in Vietnam.

Vietnamese documents must be consularly legalized and accompanied by a translation into Spanish.

The representative must provide the following information:

  • Does the company have legal status?
  • Company name
  • Tax ID number in the country of origin
  • Tax payment address (usually registered office address)
  • Date of establishment and registration at the respective public agency
  • Amount of share capital (if any)
  • Full name, company name, tax identification number, tax payment address and nationality of the legal representative in Spain
  • For companies operating under the overseas revenue system, please provide the full name or business name, tax identification number, tax payment address and nationality of partners, shareholders or successors. company design.

Note: A NIF number cannot be issued to a legal entity if the legal representative or partners listed on the application for a tax identification number do not have a Spanish tax identification number.​ 

Time to process documents and return results

The NIF number will be sent to the applicant via email .

For more information on this procedure (in Spanish) please refer to the website of the Spanish Tax Authority.​