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Criminal Records Certificate

​What is the Criminal Record Certificate?
It is a certificate proving either the lack or existence of criminal records in the Central Criminal Registry on the date of issue.
The Criminal Record certificate DOES NOT ENABLE an individual to work with minors in Spain.  In order t​o work with minors, it is necessary to obtain a Certificate of Crimes of a Sexual Nature which is the only accepted document to that effect.

Who can apply for a Criminal Record Certificate at the Embassy of Spain in Hanoi?
This procedure will be only completed for Spanish citizens who are over 18 years old, live in Vietnam and are registered in our Consular Registry.
People of other nationalities different from the Spanish one will not be able to apply for this certificate through the Embassy of Spain in Hanoi. They will have to apply through the diplomatic missions of their countries accredited in Spain or directly through the Ministry of Justice.

What is the procedure to apply for the Criminal Record Certificate for foreigners from abroad?
  • Online through the Ministry of Justice website
The Criminal Record Certificate can be applied for online by accessing the website of the Ministry of JusticeIt opens in new windowNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới. The applicant must fill out a form and pay for the associated fee 006, through the platform of the Spanish Tax Agency for administrative fees. This option requires having an electronic DNI or a digital certificate, since the platform will request the applicant to identify and sign the for​m 790It opens in new windowNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới electronically.
  • By mail to the Ministry of Justice
 The Criminal Record Certificate can be applied for ​directly by mail. In this case, the applicant living abroad must apply through the Oficina Central de Atención al Ciudadano, Sección de Penales, Ministerio de Justicia. Calle de la Bolsa, 8, 28012, Madrid; and follow the instructions appearing in the website of the Spanish Ministry of JusticeIt opens in new windowNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới.
The participation of the​ Embassy of Spain in Hanoi in obtaining this certificate through this way is limited to certify a photocopyIt opens in new windowNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới of the identification page of the applicant’s passport.