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  1. LEGALI​ZA​​​TIONNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới

  2. CERTIFIED TRUE COPYNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới

  3. POWER OF ATTORNEYNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới

  4. FOREIGNER'S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER -NIENó mở trong một cửa sổ mới

  5. SPANISH TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - NIFNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới

  6. CRIM​INAL RECORDS CERTIFICATE​Nó mở trong một cửa sổ mới

  7. DIGITAL CERTIFICATENó mở trong một cửa sổ mới

  8. TABLE OF CONSULAR SERVICE FEENó mở trong một cửa sổ mới​​

  9. VISAS: 

SCHENGEN VISAS​Nó mở trong một cửa sổ mớiThe Schengen visa is issued to third-country nationals listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2018/1806It opens in new windowNó mở trong một cửa sổ mới.This visa allows the holder to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days (in any 180-day period) for the purposes of tourism, business, visiting family, medical treatment, studies, training placements or volunteer activities that last under 3 months, or for other non-lucrative​ activities. It also allows transit through the territory and airports. 

​The Schengen area encompasses 29 European countries without border controls between them: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, ​Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. 

The Schengen visa allows the holder to travel to any of the Schengen States and to transit through their territory, but it does not automatically entitle them to enter the Schengen area. The border authorities can refuse entry if the visa holder does not provide proof of the purpose and specifics of the trip, or if any of the other entry requirements are not met (please refer to the above section “Conditions for entry into Spain​Nó mở trong một cửa sổ mới").

NATIONAL VISAS​Nó mở trong một cửa sổ mớiThird-country nationals require a national visa when they are going to stay in Spain for more than 90 days (in any 180-day period) for the purposes of work, study or establishing their residence. They also need a national visa when moving to Spain to work for a period of under 90 days. 
The national visa allows the holder to travel to Spain and to transit through and move around the territory of any Schengen State for a maximum of 90 days. However, it does not automatically entitle them to enter the Schengen area. The border authorities can refuse entry if not all entry requirements are met ​(please refer to the above section “Conditions for entry into Spain​Nó mở trong một cửa sổ mới").

Citizens of the European Union or of the States of the European Economic Area or Switzerland do not need a visa to establish their residence in Spain or for long-term studies or to work. However, once in Spain, they must be ​entered on the Register for Citizens of the Union. Family members accompanying them, and who benefit from the right to free movement, must apply for a residence permit in Spain. If they need a Schengen​ visa because of their nationality, they must obtain a visa for family members of a citizen of the Union (see section "EU family member visa" under the "Schengen visas" epigraph).