Hague Apostille and legalization of public documents, authentication of copies, and official translations

March 28, 2022


Legalization validates a foreign public document by verifying the authenticity of the signature and the legitimacy of the signing authority. Legalization does not certify the content of the document. 

The Hague Apostille is a simplified procedure that has the same purpose as legalization and is applied between the States party to the Convention of 5 October 1961It opens in new window, which abolished the requirement to legalize foreign public documents. All EU Member States, including Spain and Ireland, are signatories to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961. Countries of the European Economic Area are also parties to the Convention.

In general, unless a specific rule provides exemption from this obligation, all foreign public documents must be legalized or apostilled to be valid in Spain, and all Spanish public documents must be legalized or apostilled to be valid abroad. 

Only original legalized or apostilled documents (or true copies issued by the same body that issued the original) are admissable. Legalized or apostilled photocopies cannot replace the original document. 

The legalization or apostille has no expiry date, but if the document has a time-limited validity, that of the legalization or apostille shall be equally limited.  ​

Legalization of foreign documents at the Embassy 

More information on how to apply for legalization or apostille may be obtained on request from this Embassy by writing an email to emb.dublin.cesp@maec.es. 

Legalization of documents issued by the Embassy

The documents issued by this Embassy must be legalized by the local authorities to be accepted as valid for their purposes.  

Documents issued by Embassies and Consulates cannot be apostilled.  

Obtaining an apostille for foreign documents 

The Hague apostille is the exclusive competence of the authorities of the country issuing the document. Documents apostilled by the authorities of the issuing country do not require any additional procedure from this Embassy, and may be presented directly in Spain. 

The text of the Convention of 5 October 1961, which abolished the requirement to legalize foreign public documents, together with the list of States party to the Convention and the authorities in each State competent to apostille a document is available at the following link:

https://www.hcch.net/en/instruments/conventions/full-text/?cid=41It opens in new window 

In the European Union, Regulation 2016/1191 exempts the interested party from the apostille requirement in certain cases. For more information, consult the European Union information pageIt opens in new window or the RegulationIt opens in new window

Legalization or apostille of Spanish documents 

Information on how to legalize or apostille documents issued by the Spanish authorities is available (in Spanish) on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Europe​an Union and CooperationIt opens in new window.​ 

This Embassy does not legalize or apostille documents issued in Spain


​The authentication consists of the comparison by the consular services of the Embassy of a photocopy with its original and, where appropriate, the attestation that the former is a duplicate of the latter.

The Embassy of Spain in Dublin attests copies of documents issued by the Spanish and Irish authorities.  The applicant must always bring the original and the copy. Depending on the length of the document, the Embassy will complete the certification in more or less time. If the document consists of one or just a few pages, the certification is usually carried out on the spot. In order to come to this embassy and ask for one or more documents to be certified, you must first make an appointment. Click to get an appointment.


The translation into Spanish of a document written in a foreign language will only have official status if it has been:

a) Certified by the Oficina de Interpretación de Lenguas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.

b) Certified by a person in possession of the sworn translator-interpreter qualification granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, as established in the 6th additional provision of Law 2/2014, of 25 March, on the Foreign Service, as amended by the 4th final provision of Law 29/2015, of 30 July, on international legal cooperation in civil matters. Kindly see the list of sworn translators-interpreters appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, indicating the language(s) for which they have been certified. The sworn translator-interpreter certifies the accuracy of the translation with his or her signature and stamp.

c) Made by a private individual, but accepted as its own by a diplomatic representation or consular office of Spain abroad after verification. These translations must refer to a foreign public document that is included in a file or procedure initiated or submitted at that diplomatic representation or consular office and which must be decided by the Spanish Administration.​

d) Made by a diplomatic representation or consular office of Spain abroad.  These translations must refer to a foreign public document that is included in a file or procedure initiated or submitted at that diplomatic representation or consular office of Spain and which must be decided by the Spanish Administration. Due to a lack of available and sufficiently qualified staff, the Spanish Embassy in Dublin does not offer official translations. Should you need an official translation from Spanish into English, please contact one of the translators certified by the Irish Translators and Interpreters Association (https://www.translatorsassociation.ie).

e) Done by a foreign diplomatic representation or consular office in Spain, provided that the text refers to a law of its country or to a public document originated in that country.

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