Office opening hours, location and contact details

February 11, 2025


17A​ Merlyn Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 HF53, Ireland

Contact details

Tel.: +353 (1) 283 9900​
   -visas (residence or study for a 90-day stay or longer),
   -Schengen visas (outsourcing partner),
   -other consular services: 
Opening hours to the public

  • ​ON-SITE
By appointment
Monday to Friday, between 9.00am and 12.30pm.  

Without appointment 
To apply for consular registration or a certificate of residence, proof of life and e-signature for individuals: Monday to Friday between 12.30 and 13.30.  
For passport collection: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 1pm and 2pm.  


  • Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 11.00 am.​​
List of public holidays for 2025

The Embassy will be closed on the following days.
January 1 (Wednesday). 
March 17 (Monday).
April 17 (Thursday)
April 18 (Friday). 
April 21 (Monday). 
May 1 (Thursday).
May 5 (Monday).
June 2 (Monday). 
August 4 (Monday). 
​October 13 (Monday). 
October 27 (Monday).
December 6 (Saturday). 
December 25 (Thursday). 
December 26 (Friday).​

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