
October 26, 2022

Ion de la Riva Guzmán de Frutos
Ambassador of Spain

Fáilte go hÉireann

On this website of the Spanish Embassy you will find relevant information on consular services, a permanently updated travel advice to Ireland, our contact details, including the telephone number for consular emergencies, which may be helpful for Spanish citizens, be they residents or visitors to this country. On the Embassy’s Twitter account you will find news on events and highlights in Irish-Spanish relations.

One of our chief ambitions is to contribute to strengthening the historical, people-to-people, business and cultural ties that unite Spain and Ireland, as well as to assist Spanish citizens and companies with a presence in this country. Alongside the members of my team, all driven by the will of providing top-quality services, I send to all of you my warmest greetings.

Ion de la Riva 
Ambassador of Spain

Born in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1959, he is a career diplomat. He holds a degree in Law and Business Studies from ICADE (Madrid), and Diplomas in Human Rights (Strasbourg), Disarmament (Venice), Latin-American affairs and cultural diplomacy. 

Throughout his long career as a diplomat, he has been, among others, Spanish Ambassador to India and Permanent Representative to UNESCO in Paris (France). ​​​​​He has been posted in Cuba, Italy and France. Founder of Casa de America, Casa Asia and Director of the India-Europe Foundation, Spanish ASEF Governor ​and Ambassador at large for the Asia-Pacific Plan.​

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