Hague Apostille and Legalization

September 28, 2022

Legalization validates a foreign public document by verifying the authenticity of the signature and the legitimacy of the signing authority. Legalization does not certify the content of the document. 

The Hague Apostille is a simplified procedure that has the same purpose as legalization and is applied between the States party to the Convention of 5 October 1961It opens in new window, which abolished the requirement to legalize foreign public documents. 

In general, unless a specific rule provides exemption from this obligation, all foreign public documents must be legalized or apostilled to be valid in Spain, and all Spanish public documents must be legalized or apostilled to be valid abroad. 

Only original legalized or apostilled documents (or true copies issued by the same body that issued the original) are admissable. Legalized or apostilled photocopies cannot replace the original document. 

The legalization or apostille has n​​o expiry date, but if the document has a time-limited validity, that of the legalization or apostille shall be equally limited.  ​

Legalization of foreign documents at the Consular Office 

There will be no requirement of prior appointments for legalizations in thi Embassy, until further notice. Applicants can come every day from Sunday –Thursday to submit their documents. Delivery date will be given by the Embassy on the Application Form (applicant copy).

  • ​Documents submission time – 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (Sunday-Thursday)
  • Documents delivery time – 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm (Wednesday-Thursday)

​The Legalization fee for each document is BDT 809​​. The payment must be completed before submitting the documents to the Embassy. Address for payment: Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Hadi Tower, NW(K) – 1, Road 50, Kemal Atartuk Avenue, Gulshan 2, 1212 Dhaka

Only original and public documents attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) are legalized. Only the Spanish Embassy within the premises of its consular section can provide service for LEGALIZATIONS. Do not engage or pay any fees to anyone outside the aforementioned place.

Anyone with high temperature or explicit COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to enter the Embassy premises. 

The Spanish Embassy may change any dates for submission/delivery due to special circumstances

Instructions for submitting documents for legalizations:

Documents should be organized according to the following order:
  1. ​Bank Slip
  2. Documents to be legalized
  3. Color photocopy of passport or NID card of applicant and representative (if required)
  4. Power of Attorney / Letter of Authorization (if required)
  5. Application to the Embassy clearly mentioning the purpose of legalization​
Further Instructions:
  • Submit original copy of the Power of Attorney if sent from SPAIN, legalized by the Colegio Notarial of the respective province
  • Bring photos of marriage ceremony if matrimonial certificates are required to legalize
  • Bring favorable list of applicants from Ministry of Home Affairs if Police Clearance certificates are required to be legalized ​
  • Remove all stapler pins from all documents and do not fold any documents before submitting
  • Check your documents properly while taking delivery
NOTE: Documents will not be accepted if instructions are not followed.

​Legalization of documents issued by the Consular Office 

The documents issued by this Consular Office must be legalized by the local authorities to be accepted as valid for their purposes.  

Documents issued by Embassies and Consulates cannot be apostilled. 


Obtaining an apostille for foreign documents 

The Hague apostille is the exclusive competence of the authorities of the country issuing the document. Documents apostilled by the authorities of the issuing country do not require any additional procedure from the Consular Office, and may be presented directly in Spain. 

The text of the Convention of 5 October 1961, which abolished the requirement to legalize foreign public documents, together with the list of States party to the Convention and the authorities in each State competent to apostille a document is available at the following link:

https://www.hcch.net/en/instruments/conventions/full-text/?cid=41It opens in new window 

In the European Union, Regulation 2016/1191 exempts the interested party from the apostille requirement in certain cases. For more information, consult the European Union information pageIt opens in new window or the RegulationIt opens in new window 

Legalization or apostille of Spanish documents 

Information on how to legalize or apostille documents issued by the Spanish authorities is available (in Spanish) on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Europe​an Union and CooperationIt opens in new window.​ 

The Consular Office does not legalize or apostille documents issued in Spain.

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