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Resultados de búsqueda

  • Conditions for entry into Spain

    Nationals of third States who travel to Spain for stays of up to 90 days (during any period of 180 days) for tourism, business, family visits, medical ...

  • Entrepreneur visa

    Visa for foreigners moving to Spain to carry out the procedures necessary to undertake an innovative, entrepreneurial activity of particular economic ...

  • Non-working residence visa

    Visa to reside in Spain without carrying out any gainful (work or professional) activity, provided that the applicant has sufficient and guaranteed means ...

  • Airport transit visas

    General information​​ 

    Nationals of the following countries require a visa to transit through the international area of any airport located in the ...

  • Study visa

    Visa for stays exceeding 90 days for studies, training, internships or voluntary work. This visa may also be issued for stays for au pairs and for conversation ...

  • Investor visa

    Short-stay or residence visa for foreigners making a significant capital investment, understood as: 

    • An initial investment of at least 2 ...
  • Self-employed work visa

    Visa for people aged 16 or over who seek to engage in self-employed activity in Spain. 

    To obtain a self-employed work visa, it is first necessary ...

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