If you wish to make a complaint or suggestion about the services provided by the Spanish Embassy in Beirut, you can send it through the following means:
Satisfaction questionnaire in consular services
In an attempt to improve our service, this Embassy wishes to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of citizens who have completed a procedure in consular services, understanding that any appreciation and/or suggestion received represents an opportunity for improvement and a tool to comply with the commitment to continuous improvement. You can access the questionnaire here.
Submission of complaints and suggestions electronically
You can submit a complaint or suggestion through the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. To do this, it is necessary for the citizen to have an electronic signature and identify themselves through the Cl@ve system.
Submission of complaints and suggestions via form
If you wish to make a complaint or suggestion to this Embassy, there is a Complaints and Suggestions Form
available to the public which, once completed, can be sent to the Complaints Unit of this Embassy by postal mail (Palais Chehab, Hadath Antounie B.P.: 11/3039 Riyad El Solh, Beyrouth 1107 2120) or by email (emb.beirut@maec.es