Challenging Inequalities Programme - Call for Proposals!

February 29, 2024

If you are a grass root community-based organisation within the countries of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine or Tunisia that has a passion and a willingness to pioneer solutions to address inequalities within local communities, actively engage with community members to meet their needs, incorporate community input into the planning process, and champion the cause of social inclusion, then this announcement is tailored specifically for you!

This programme funded by Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, AECID, is centred on fostering more inclusive local civil societies as agents for development and empowering active community-based entities, like yours! We place a focus on promoting social cohesion and addressing inequalities, with a particular focus on youth, gender equality, green transition, environment and water and employment and creation of opportunities.

Deadline for proposal submissions on March 13.​

For more information, visit this link. 

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