Office Hours and Calendar of Holidays

The office is operational from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., by appointment (you can request your appointment by sending an email to​​

This Consular Section will remain closed on the following dates 2024:


Table information
Monday, January 1
​New Year's Day
​Monday, January 15​Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, February 19​Presidents' Day
Thursday, March 28Holy Thursday
Friday, March 29​Good Friday
Wednesday, May 1Spanish Labor Day
​Monday, May 27​Memorial Day
Thursday, July 4​Independence Day
Monday, September 2​Labor Day
Saturday, October 12​Spanish National Day
Thursday, November 28​Thanksgiving
Friday, November 29Day after Thanksgiving
Friday, December 6Spanish Constitution Day
​Tuesday, Deceber 24
​Noche Buena
Wednesday, December 25Christmas Day
​Tuesday, December 31​
​New Year


Should the United States Government announce the closure of Federal offices within Washington DC due to weather disruptions or any other risk, the Consular section of this Embassy will be initially closed on that day. Any appointments set for that day will be  suspended, & should be organized for a later date in coordination with the Consulate staff. All Spanish citizens who may have a duly justified consular emergency are to get in contact with the following phone number: (+1) 202-352-2299​​


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