Visa for stays exceeding 90 days for studies, training, internships or voluntary work. This visa may also be issued for stays for au pairs and for auxiliares de conversación.
Study stays of less than 90 days do not require a study visa. Depending on the applicant's nationality, a short-stay visa may be required (see “Schengen visas").
Visa applications must be submitted sufficiently in advance of the beginning of the pertinent study programmes, as the procedure entails consultations with other authorities. The process to get this type of visa might take approximately 4 weeks or more. This General Consulate recommends not purchasing plane tickets until your visa has been granted. The validity of the stay authorization will coincide with the official duration of the studies or the activity to be carried out.
Only the following family members may obtain a visa to accompany the student:
- The spouse or unmarried partner.
- Children who are minors or who have a disability.
Visas for students' family members do not allow them to work in Spain.
Activities for which a study visa may be obtained
- Full-time studies at an authorized school that will lead to the obtainment of a degree or certificate of studies.
- Doctorate studies.
- Training activities.
- Student mobility programmes at compulsory and/or non-compulsory secondary education level at an officially recognized teaching or scientific centre.
- Training placements at public or private bodies or entities that cannot be covered by internship visas (see “Internship visa").
- Volunteer services in the framework of programmes pursuing public interest goals.
- Au pair programmes.
- Conversation class assistants.
1. One National visa application form
. Each applicant must complete and sign a visa application, filling in each of its sections. If the applicant is a minor, one of their parents or a duly accredited representative must sign the application.
2. One Photograph. A recent Canadian visa-size (35 mm X 45 mm), colour photograph, taken against a light background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face. It must conform to ICAO standards
, stamped with date and place where the photo was taken. The photograph must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photograph, and include the top of the shoulders.
3. Valid unexpired passport. Original and a photocopy of the page or pages with biometric data of the passport. The passport must be valid for at least the entire duration of the planned stay and have two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago are not accepted.
4. A document proving the reason of your stay:
a) Certificate of admission issued in Spain by any authorized university or school, verifying enrollment as a full-time student, leading to obtaining a degree or certificate. The certificate must detail: Name of the program, duration (start and end dates), address, phone number, name of the person in charge of the program (the certificate of admission must be presented in Spanish). If you are an AUXILIAR DE CONVERSACIÓN, acceptance letter of the Comunidad Autónoma in Spain.
b) Research or training: Proof of admission to an officially recognized institution in Spain for research or training activities.
c) Internship: Proof of being admitted to a public or private company or training center officially recognized in Spain and copy of the agreement signed with a public or private entity.
d) Au pair: A copy of the agreement signed with the family where you are going to reside as au pair for a maximum of one year. It should state that if you are going to perform domestic work, it should be a maximum of five hours per day; and that you will enjoy a free day per week. This day must be at least one Sunday per month; The address of the house, and that you are going to enjoy a certain independence; The money that you are going to receive as pocket money per month; And the possibility for you or the family to terminate the agreement with a prior notice of two weeks. In order to apply for a student visa, the au pair must be enrolled in a Spanish course of a minimum duration of 20 hours a week.
e) Volunteer work: A copy of the agreement signed with the organization running the volunteer program and proof of liability insurance.
5. Proof of financial means. Original and a copy of the documents proving that the applicant (or their legal representative or the family member supporting them) has sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of the student's stay and return, as well as the stay and return of the family members accompanying them. The minimum required amount is equivalent to 100% of Spain's Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator (IPREM). To this amount must be added 75% of the IPREM for the first family member and 50% of the IPREM for each additional family member. If proof is provided that accommodation for the entire stay has been paid for in advance, this amount will be deducted.
- Notarized letter from the parents or legal guardians assuming full financial responsibility for at least $1,000 per month for room and board. Suggested wording: “I hereby certify that I'm the (father/mother/other) of (...), will support him/her with a monthly allowance of at least $1000 while he/she is in Spain and that I'm financially responsible for any emergency that may arise", along with their bank statements for the last three months and applicant’s Birth certificate.
6. Proof of Health insurance. The insurance must cover all risks normally covered for nationals and must be maintained for the entire duration of the authorization. It must cover at least all the preventive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation assistance activities that are carried out in health centers or socio-health centers, as well as urgent health transport. Therefore, it is not necessary to cover repatriations and/or evacuations. Minimum coverage 30,000 EUR.
Medical insurance must not have a deductible, co-payment or coverage limit, that is, it must cover 100€ of medical, hospital and extra-hospital expenses. It must be health insurance (not travel).
7. Criminal record check certificate. This requirement is not mandatory if the duration of the requested stay is less than six months. However, if the length of stay requested is longer than six months, a criminal record certificate, together with an official translation into Spanish, is required. It must be issued by the authorities of the country or countries in which you have resided for the last 5 years. In the case of Canada, only the criminal record certificate issued by the RCMP containing the visa applicant's fingerprints will be accepted.
Criminal records certificates from local police stations will not be accepted. The Canadian Criminal Record Certificate must be with the Hague Apostille Certification issued by Global Affairs Canada, and translated into Spanish. If the criminal record certificate has been issued outside of Canada, it must be legalized by the Spanish Consular Office with jurisdiction in that country, unless the country that issued it has signed the Hague Convention, in which case it must be apostilled.
The visa will not be issued without the Criminal record certificate duly apostilled by Global Affairs Canada, so it is recommended you apply well in advance for it with the Canadian authorities.
8. Medical certificate. This requirement is not mandatory if the duration of the requested stay is less than six months. However, if the length of stay requested is longer than six months, a medical certificate is required. It must be issued by your family doctor and formulated as follows: "This medical certificate certifies that Mr. / Mrs. [...] does not suffer from any of the diseases that may have serious public health repercussions in accordance with the provided in the International Sanitary Regulations of 2005.”
Medical certificate must be apostilled and translated into Spanish.
9. Proof of residence in the consular district. The applicant must provide proof of their legal residence in the consular district or that they are attending classes, in person, in the consular district. (Accepted documents, * dirver´s licence, * school, college, or university report card or transcript, * residential lease (rental agreement lease), mortgage statement, or Agreement of Purchase and Sale, * vehicle ownership or insurance document, * recent utility bill (telephone, cable, hydro/power, gas, or water).
10. If the student is a minor, you must also submit an authorization by the parents or guardian/legal tutors signed in front of a Notary and then apostilled and translated into Spanish. It must indicate the dates that the child will be staying in Spain, the school where the studies are going to take place, the information about the legal tutor who will take care of the minor while in Spain. The legal guardian or tutor in Spain must have proof of a connection or relation with the educational institution in Spain and must submit a criminal record and police certificate stating that he/she/they does not have criminal record for sexual offense. In addition, a Notarized letter from the tutor indicating that the minor will be taken care of while in Spain and including this text: "This placement will not mean any kind of adoption and the legal tutor will make sure that the minor returns to Canada when they wish or when finish the study period in Spain."
11. Payment of the visa fee. CHECK THE VISA FEE HERE
. The consular fee is to be paid the day of your appointment, preferably in cash or by money order or certified cheque to the "Consulate General of Spain in Toronto".
Required documents for family members
For each family member accompanying the student, the following must be submitted:
- The documents listed above as 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11. Where applicable, 10 must also be provided.
Moreover, the certificates proving kinship with the student (marriage certificate, unmarried couple certificate, or birth certificate, as applicable) must be provided. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.
When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.
This Consular Office is competent to accept visa applications from individuals residing in the consular district or who are regularly in the consular district for study purposes even if they are not a resident.
Applying for a study visa also entails applying for a study stay permit.
- Who can apply for a visa: Visa applications must be submitted in person by the applicant or by an authorized representative.
Place of submission: The application for authorization to stay for studies may be submitted in person or representation, requesting a prior appointment.
Appointments are personal and may be booked by sending an email to (, indicating the following:
1. Email subjet: First name;Last name;STUDY VISA APPOINTMENT
- POSTAL ADDRESS: (City, Postal code)
- INTENDED DEPARTURE DATE FROM CANADA: dd/mm/yyyy - The study visa cannot be used for tourist purposes.
- ONE identification document in PDF format, PASSPORT and PROOF OF RESIDENCE IN CANADA and Certificate of admission issued in Spain by any authorized university or school
- Visa application period: Visa applications must be submitted sufficiently in advance of the beginning of the pertinent study programmes, as the procedure entails consultations with other authorities.
- Proof of receipt: The Consular Office will provide the applicant with proof of receipt of the application with a code that enables them to check the status of the dossier through the following link:
- Rectifying the application: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application. The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview.
- Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is of 1 month from the day after the application submission date, but this period may be extended if an interview or additional documents are requested. In order to avoid inconveniences and delays, please make sure to submit your visa application at least 60 days in advance to the intended travel date as the final desicion is made by Immigration Department in Spain.
- Collecting the visa: The visa must be collected personally by the applicant (or by their representative if the applicant is a minor), within a maximum period of 2 months, counting from the day following the date on which the resolution is notified. The Consular Office will inform the applicant regarding the procedure for the return of the passport and any other original documentation.
- Refusal of the visa or study stay permit: Refusals of the visa or study stay permit will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based.
- Appeals: If a study stay permit or visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal for reconsideration to this Consular Office within 1 month of the day following the date on which notification of the refusal is received. An application for judicial review may also be filed with the High Court of Justice of Madrid within the 2-month period beginning the day after the date on which the applicant receives notification of the visa refusal or of the dismissal of the reconsideration appeal.
- Validity period of the visa:
a) If the study stay does not exceed 6 months, the visa will be valid for the entire stay and it will not be necessary to obtain a Foreigner Identity Card.
b) If the study stay is for longer than 6 months, the visa will be valid for a 90-day stay. The student must apply for a Foreigner Identity Card within a period of 1 month from their entry into Spain, at the Foreign Nationals' Office or the Police Station of the province in which the permit was processed.