Certified copies

What is a certified copy?

Certifying a copy of a document is an administrative act, through which it is confirmed that a copy is identical to an original document.

What is the procedure to have a copy of a document certified at the Consulate General in Toronto?

If you wish to have a copy of a document certified, you need to submit by mail, the following documents:
  • Original document or copy notarized by a Canadian Notary Public (The notarized copy option is only for applications sent by mail).
  • Photocopy of the document to be certified. No photocopies will be done at the Consulate.
  • A note with your contact information, including your name, mailing address, phone and email.
  • Certified cheque or money order with the amount of the consular fee.
  • Should you request the certified copy to be sent by mail, you will have to provide us with a prepaid XPRESS POST envelope from Canada Post.​
* The Consulate General will certify the copy of the document only when we have received the payment of the consular fee. 

How can the Consular fee be paid?
You can find the amount of the consular fee in the section  CHECK TH​E  FEE ​H​EREIt opens in new window
  • In cash, with money order or guaranteed or certified cheque, in Canadian dollars, payable to the “Consulate General of Spain in Toronto”. Personal cheques will not be accepted.
  • Mailing the documents: Guaranteed or certified cheques in Canadian dollars or money order, payable to the “Consulate General of Spain in Toronto”. Personal cheques will not be accepted.
How are the documents sent back?
In order to mail documents to you, you have to provide us with a mailing address. It cannot be a postal office box. You must provide a prepaid XPRESS POST envelope from Canada Post.
In all circumstances, the Consulate General will not be responsible for any issues, delays or loss of documents sent by mail.

How can the Department of Legalizations and Certifications be contacted?
You can send an email to cog.toronto.leg@maec.esIt opens in new window or call at (+1) 416-977-1661 EXT. 8. We will only answer with respect to information which cannot be found on the website.

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