Working Holiday visa

There are 3400 places available annually under this scheme to young Australians for a stay of 12 months in Spain. 

All applicatons must be made in person. For an appointment, please email:​

To be eligible you must:

  • Be an Australian citizen, resident in Australia and have a passport with a validity that covers the intended period you will stay in Spain.
  • Be at least 18 years of age and not more than 30 years of age
  • Hold a return ticket or have sufficient funds to purchase a return
  • Be coming to Spain for tourism purposes, with work being a secondary intention for your visit
  • Not be accompanied by any dependants
  • Possess sufficient funds to maintain yourself during your stay
  • Hold travel insurance before travelling to Spain valid for the whole of your intended stay in Spain
  • Posses a functional level of Spanish
  • Have completed at least 2 years of higher education
  • Meet Spanish health and police clearance requirements
  • Not have been recipients of this programme before
  • Not work for the same employer for more than 6 months during your stay
  • Apply for the specific visa and pay the prescribed fees
  • Applicants who participate in this programme are able to study in Spain, however the period of study cannot exceed 4 months.

Each visa application must include:

1. Passport with a validity that covers the period you will stay in Spain. It must have a t least 2 blank pages plus one photocopy of the details page of the passport.

2. One visa application form duly completed and signed.

3. One passport size photograph on a light coloured background, photo must be glued (not stapled) to the visa application form on the top right hand corner. Photographs must be printed on quality photographic paper.

4. A non-refundable visa fee $485.00 AUD payable in cash or by Money Order made out to: Consulate General of Spain.

5. Return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket

6. Evidence of a minimum of 2 years tertiary study.

7. Evidence of having enough funds (a minimum of $915.00 AUD per month) Acceptable evidence of sufficient funds can be demonstrated in the form of: bank statements, travellers cheques, recognized credit cards with sufficient credit available (up to date statements).

8. In the event that a parent or guardian is committed to covering the applicants cost, then they must provide a statutory declaration signed before a Justice of the Peace and include a legalized copy of their passport, a copy of the applicants' birth certificate and current bank statement. Please note that internet printed bank statements do not normally show the account holders name and therefore not be accepted.

9. Comprehensive travel Insurance to cover medical and hospital charges, including associated repatriation cost.

10. Medical certificate from your Doctor or GP, less than 3 months old, with the following text both in Spanish and English:

  • “This medical certificate states that Mr/Ms…. Does not suffer from any of the diseases that can have serious implications for public health, pursuant to the provisions of the International Health Regulations 2005"
  • “Este certificado médico acredita que el Sr/Sra….. no padece ninguna de las enfermedades que pueden tener repercusiones de salud pública graves de conformidad con lo dispuesta en el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional de 2005"

11.A National police clearance certificate from Australia and any other country where the applicant has lived for the last 5 years (this document must be less than 3 months old) . or NOTE: Please do not forward a copy of your actual fingerprints; we require the results of the Police checked against your name and fingerprints.

12. Application for an NIE, form 790 duly completed (foreigners Identity number) $16.00 AUD (non refundable) and form EX-15 duly completed. Please follow this link and download a copy of the form MODELO 790 TASA 012 to be filled out and signed, and included in your application.

13. Proof of Functional level of Spanish: any of the 6 following:

  • DELE (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language) level A1 or superior. The Diplomas in Spanish DELE are official qualifications certifying the degree of competence and mastery of Spanish, granted by Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain. The DELE can be done in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. More information can be found in this link
  • Spanish course level A1 (2 courses of 30 hours at Instituto Cervantes in Sydney A1.1 and A1.2: Face to face course at the premises of the Instituto Cervantes Sydney. More information can be found in this link.  
  • Spanish Online Course AVE with Skype Teacher Support Level A1 or higher (two 12 week courses: A1.1 and A1.2.) More information can be found in this link
  • At least four semesters of Spanish during secondary education.
  • At least two semesters of Spanish during higher education.
  • Those applicants who are fluent in Spanish (descendants of Spanish speakers or people having spent long stays in Spanish speaking countries), but who do not hold any Spanish language certificate, will be given the opportunity to prove their fluency at the Embassy or Consulate General through a set of interviews and administrative demarches in Spanish at the moment of lodging their application.  

The application may not be lodged earlier than 3 months before the start of entry into Spain.

The applicant is informed that submitting the above mentioned documents does not guarantee automatic issuance of the visa. 

Supplementary documentation to verify the application may be required.

Please be aware that the visa officers will not assess an application until your appointment.

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