Residence visa for buyers of real estate in Spain


An applicant must provide proof of an investment in real estate in Spain with a value to or greater than 500.000.00 EUROS by means of:

All documents must be officially translated in Spanish

The application must be submitted in person prior to booking an appointment


1. National visa application form duly completed

2. 2 Passport sized photographs

3. Ordinary passport and a photocopy of the biometric details page.

4. A non-refundable visa fee. Payment is accepted by Money Order or personally by cash (Fee subject to change without notice). Please email with your name and country of passport for updated visa fees. 
5. Fingerprint Check from your nearest Police Station, covering all States of Australia, (for applicants who are over 18 years of age).

This document must be Apostilled and officially translated into Spanish.

6. You must also provide police clearances from any other country where the applicant has lived in the last 5 years. (must be less than 6 months old)

7. Medical Certificate from your Doctor, stating that applicant “does not have any of the diseases that could harm the public health according to THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (2005), and is fit to travel”. (Must be less than 6 months old).

8. Full Medical Insurance or, a statutory declaration committing yourself to purchase Medical Insurance on approval of the visa. Translated into Spanish.

9. Evidence of sufficient means to support your residency in Spain, (including that of your family, if applicable). Eg: Bank statements of the last 3 months, having an income by an Australian or other official organization i.e. pension, superannuation or rent (held for life) paid by a public or private institution. (Original documents with an official Spanish translation). You must show you have a minimum monthly income of 2,130.04 EUROS and an extra 532.51 EUROS for each member of the family for 2014.

10. Proof of an Investment in Real Estate in Spain with a minimum value of 500,000.00 Euros: Certificate of Ownership and free of outstanding encumberances from the local Land Registry (Certificacion con informacion continuada de dominio y cargas del Registro de la Propiedad) of the property or propeties. Such certification must have been issued within 90 days prior to the visa application.

11. The minimum investment is 500.000.00 EUR and needs not refer to one only property but may relate to several properties where the total investment amounts to 500.000.00 EUR or more. The price must be paid by investors own funds and not by means of mortgage granted by a Bank. It is possible to purchase real estate property for a higher price where the investor’s own funds amount to 500.000.00 EUR and the rest can be obtained through a mortgage fund.

12. Copy of the Purchase Deeds to the property.

13. Application for Initial residency form (Ley Movilidad International)

14. Initial Residency tax $117.00 AUD Form 790 038

For family members:

1. National visa application form

2. Passport

3. Visa fee

4. Initial residency tax From 790 038 and fee ($17.00 AUD)​

5. Proof of relationship ie. Birth, marriage certificates, relationship certificates should be included, they should be Apostilled and officially translated into Spanish.

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