Employee visa

January 30, 2025


Visa for people aged 16 and over who wish to work as employees in Spain (with a work contract). This visa covers seasonal work activities. (For RELIGIOUS and EXEMPTION OF WORK, please scroll down).​

Consular fees: TASAS CONSULARES ENERO 2025.pdf


  1. Visa Application form 2024.pdf. Each applicant, or their legal representative, must complete and sign a visa application form.

    All applicable sections must be completed.

    If the applicant is a minor, parents must sign the application.

  2. Photograph.pdf​ . Recently issued (not older than 6 months), passport-size, color photograph taken against a light background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face.

    - One picture glued (no stapled) to the National Visa application form, with the applicant's name and last name on the back. 

    ​- A second copy of the same picture not glued, with the applicant's name and last name on the back.​

  3. Valid, unexpired passport. Original and one clear photocopy of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data.

    The passport must have a minimum validity period of 1 year and contain two blank pages. In case of a temporary contract, the validity period must cover the duration of the contract.

    Passports issued more than 10 years ago will not be accepted.

    Important note: To apply for the visa you must be in the USA and wait in the USA for approval of your visa. While your application is being processed, you will not be able to travel with your passport.

  4. Proof of residence in the consular district. Applicants must be legal residents within this consular jurisdiction (North California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii.). The following valid U.S. documents can be proof of residency: U.S. driver's license, state ID, student ID.

  5. Immigration status in the USA: (Not applicable for USA citizens). 

    Valid USA residence card, valid U.S.A. student visa, valid USA work permit (valid stamped parole on the passport), or valid advanced parole. 

    B-1 and B-2 visa holders cannot apply for a visa while in the United States, they must apply in their country of residence or origin.

  6. Initial residence and employee work permit (Autorización de residencia y trabajo por cuenta ajena), issued by the Delegation or Sub-delegation of the Government in the province where the employer is registered.


  7. Work contract. A copy of the work contract stamped by the Foreign Nationals' Office.

  8. Criminal record check certificate. Applicants over 18 must present original and copy of the criminal record certificate(s) issued by their country or countries of residence for the past 5 years.

    The Criminal record check certificate cannot be issued more than 6 months preceding the submission of the visa application.

    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 

    Residents in the U.S.A.:

    ​- Certificate must be based on fingerprints and issued by FBI and legalized with the Federal Apostille of the Hague Convention requested to the Department of State in Washington DC and translated via an official Translators - Sworn Interpreters (exteriores.gob.es)
    - FBI Background Check:
    - Apostille: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/records-and-authentications/authenticate-your-document/apostille-requirements.html
    - Translations: Translators - Sworn Interpreters (exteriores.gob.es)

    Applicants that have lived outside the United States of America during the past 5 years must provide an additional criminal background check from every country where they have lived, authenticated with the Apostille of The Hague and with an official translation into Spanish, with a notarized copy of both documents.


    If the country in which the applicant has lived in the past 5 years does not subscribe to The Hague Convention of 1961, the background check must by authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and then by the Consulate of Spain in said country.

    Note: Criminal record check certificates issued by US Local/State authorities will not be accepted. Applicant will be informed in the cases when they can be required in addition to the FBI records.


    Apostilles are required: Contact Official Apostille authorities to get an estimate on processing times before submitting your visa application.

  9. Responsible declaration of the absence of criminal records of the last 5 years submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 

  10. Medical Certificate.pdf. Original and a copy of a medical certificate verifying that the applicant does not suffer from any disease that could cause serious repercussions for public health pursuant to the 2005 International Health Regulations.​

    It must have the Doctor's Stamp, or can be printed on medical center´s letterhead​, must be signed by an MD (Medical Doctor) and include: name, last name and license number of the MD clearly in the document, as well as contact information. 

    It cannot be older than 3 months​. It is recommended to use our template.​

    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 

  11. Proof of the representative's identity and capacity. If the applicant is a minor, it will be necessary to present originals and submit copies of the identity document or passport of one of their parents, as well as of the document constituting proof of kinship.

    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  12.  Payment of the visa fee. Cash or Money Order.  

    For citizens of the United States of America the reciprocity fees are: TASAS CONSULARES ENERO 2025.pdf

    - Main applicant: $190 USD   
    - Each US family dependent: $140 USD.

    For nationals of Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom different rates are applied for reasons of reciprocity. Please check visa fees "tasas consulares", contact the visa department if you have questions for the updated fee. 

    For other nationals, the visa fee is $94 USD.

    The processing fee will not be returned even if the visa is not granted or canceled.

  13. Self-addressed and Pre-Paid US “Express-Mail" envelope from the U.S. Postal Service (US Post Office) if you wish to have your passport returned by mail.

    Other type of courier / messenger services (FEDEX, UPS, DHL, etc.) will not be accepted.

    Tracking of mailed items is the sole responsibility of the applicant. 

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.


For each family member accompanying the worker, the following must be submitted: 

  • All the required documents specified in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 12. Where applicable, those specified in 8, 9 and 11 too.​​

    In the case of minors, the visa application must be signed by their parents or by a duly accredited representative.

  • Documents proving family relationship with the worker issued by a civil registry within the last 12 months:​​
    ​- Birth/marriage certificate issued by the civil registry.​​

    - Certificate of registration as an unmarried couple.

    ​​Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • In the case of adult children, ​​documents proving their financial dependence and civil status.

    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • In the case of relatives in the ascending line, documents that prove they are in the worker's care.

    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.  ​


Find below: 

a. Religious Activities
b. Exemption of Work Permit

a. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES​ ____________________________​_____________________________________________________

This visa allows residing i​​n Spa​in performing religious activities without engaging in any type of lucrative activities. 

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for main applicant (religious activities):

  1. Visa Application form 2024.pdf.  Read the instructions above.​

  2.  Photograph.pdf​. Read the instructions above.

  3. Valid, unexpired passport. Read the instructions above.

  4. Proof of residence in the consular district. Read the instructions above.


  5. Immigration status in US. Read the instructions above.

  6. Letter from the religious​ organization in Spain stating that you have been sent as a missionary/other.
    It must contain: activities to be performed by the applicant, full financial responsibility for the applicant (and their family when applicable), and address, email, telephone number and contact person.  

  7. Inclusion in the Article 117.h (Real decreto 557/2011): Original document issued recently by the “Ministerio de Justicia" in Spain (Ministry of Justice), certifying that religious organization is duly register, and that the applicant has been accepted as a representative of the religious organization and that they will asume full financial responsibilities for the applicant (and their family when applicable)​. ​

  8. Authorization Form EX09.pdf: “Solicitud de autorización de residencia excepción permiso de trabajo" filled out and signed. Find the instructions EX09.pdf here. 

  9. Form 790 code 052: Request for Residence Autorization permit fees.
    The fee is $11 USD. 
    Note that each applicant must complete and sign a copy of this form, and ticking the box: “Autorización inicial de residencia temporal"​. ​​
    Applicants must complete all the fields with the address of the place of planned residence in Spain. If you don't have a concrete address, please fill in the fields for city and province​. 
    For minors, the form must be sign by their parents/legal guardians.  
    Find more instructions 790-C052.pdf here. 

  10. Proof of public or private health insurance from an insurer recognized and authorized to operate in Spain. The insurance must cover all risks normally covered for nationals and must be maintained for the entire duration of the authorization. 

    It must cover at least all the preventive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation assistance activities that are carried out in health centers or socio-health centers, as well as urgent health transport.

    It must be health insurance (not travel insurance). Therefore, it is not necessary to cover repatriations and/or evacuations.

    The health insurance must not have a deficiency, copayment, or coverage limit, that is, it must cover 100% of the medical, hospital, and out-of-hospital expenses.​

  11. Criminal record check certificate. Read the instructions above.

  12. Responsible declaration of the absence of criminal records of the last 5 years submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 

  13. Medical Certificate.pdf​. Read the instructions above.

  14. Payment of the visa fee. Cash or Money Order.  
    For citizens of the United States of America the fees are:
    ​         - Main applicant: $190 USD.   
             - Each US family dependent $140 USD.
    For nationals of Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom different rates are applied for reasons of reciprocity. Please check "tasas consulares" contact the visa department for the updated fee if you have questions.
    For other nationals, the visa fee is $94 USD.

    Note that to this fee, the mentioned $11 USD from Form 790-052 must be added (per applicant)

    The processing fee will not be returned even if the visa is not granted or canceled.

  15. Self-addressed and Pre-Paid US “Express-Mail" envelope from the U.S. Postal Service (US Post Office) if you wish to have your passport returned by mail.
    Other type of courier / messenger services (FEDEX, UPS, DHL, etc.) will not be accepted. 
    Tracking of mailed items is the sole responsibility of the applicant. ​ 

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for family members:

For each dependent family member accompanying the worker, the following must be submitted: 

  • The spouse must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa, together with a marriage certificate (original issued in the last 12 months + photocopy). 
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • The minor children must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa except Criminal History Information or Police Background Check, together with birth certificate (original issued in the last 12 months + photocopy). 
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.​

  • Adult children must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa, together with birth certificate (original issued in the last 12 months + photocopy) and ​​documents proving their financial dependence and civil status.
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • Relatives in the ascending line must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa​, together with documents that prove they are in the worker's care.
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.  ​​

Note that marriage and/or birth certificates must be legalized with the Apostille of the Hague Convention from the corresponding Secretary of the State and translated into Spanish by a certified translator. 

Please verify that amongst the Non-Lucrative visa documents submitted, the following are present:

​- Form EX01 (Solicitud de Residencia Temporal No Lucrativa). It must be filled for each dependant individually. In the case of minors, it must be signed by their parents or legal guardians.
This is different from the Authorization Form EX09 filled only by the main applicant.
Form 790 code 052. ​It must be filled for each dependent individually, as well as the main applicant. In the case of minors, it must be signed by all their parents or legal guardians.
Find more instructions 790-C052.pdf here.
Proof of financial means.​ Please follow the instructions in the Non-Lucrative visa​ website.
Visa fee of $140 USD (+$11 USD from Form 790 code 052) for US family dependents.​​
For nationals of Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom different rates are applied for reasons of reciprocity. Check "Tasas Consulares" contact the visa department for the updated fee if you have questions.
For other nationals, the visa fee is $94 USD (+$11 USD from Form 790 code 052).​

​When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.

​b. EXEMPTION OF WORK PERMIT ______________________________________________________________


Foreigners who are included in article 41 of Organic Law 4/2000, of January 11, and meet the following conditions (section 6 listed below) are exempt from the obligation to obtain work authorization for the exercise of a lucrative, labor or profesional activity for more than ninety days. 

Note: teachers accompaining groups of students must request this visa. ​​

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for main applicant (exemption of work permit):

  1. Visa Application form 2024.pdf. Read the instructions above.​

  2.  Photograph.pdf​. Read the instructions above.

  3. Valid, unexpired passport. Read the instructions above.

  4. Proof of residence in the consular district. Read the instructions above.


  5. Immigration status in US. Read the instructions above.

  6. Proof of being in one of the cases of exemption from the work authorization according with the following:

    ​​a) Technicians and scientists, invited or hired by the Spanish authorities or public institutions whose purpose is to promote and develop a research promoted or majority owned by the above. Supporting documents: invitation or work contract endorsed by the legal representative of the Spanish authority or public institution, along with the Project description (“Memoria descriptiva") and profesional background. 

    b) Teachers, technicians, researchers and scientists invited or hired by a Spanish university. Supporting documents: Invitation or work contract endorsed by the legal representative of the university. 

    ​c) Managerial, teaching or research staff, from cultural or educational institutions, private or state-owned, officially recognized by Spain. Supporting documents: proof of the validity in the country of origin of the degrees or diplomas issued in Spain, of the employment contract or designation for the exercise of management or teaching activities and, in case of private entities, of documents justifying their oficial recognition by Spain. 

    d) Civil or military officials from Foreign States Administrations that come to Spain to perform activities under co-operational agreements with the Spanish Administration. Supporting documents: certificate issued by the competent Foreign State Administration and justification of such aspects. ​

    e) Correspondents from foreign media who develop their journalistic activity in Spain, duly accredited by the Spanish authorities, as correspondents or special correspondents. Supporting documents: accreditation issued by the Spanish authorities. 

    f)​  Members of International Scientific Missions duly authorized by the relevant Spanish Administration that will engage in studies or research activities programmed by an International organization or agency. Supporting documents: authorization issued by the competent Spanish administration to take part in the International Scientific Mission. 

    g) Artists traveling to Spain for specific performances which are not supposed to be continuous activities (the performances carried out cannot exceed more tan five continuous days of performance or 20 continuous days of performance in a period lesser tan 6 months). Supporting documents: copy of the employment contract, list of the corresponding authorizations or licenses and event calendar of the performances. ​​

  7. Authorization Form EX09.pdf: “Solicitud de autorización de residencia excepción permiso de trabajo" filled out and signed. Find the instructions EX09.pdf here. 

  8. Form 790 code 052: Request for Residence Autorization permit fees.
    The fee is $11 USD.
    Note that each applicant must complete and sign a copy of this form, and ticking the box: “Autorización inicial de residencia temporal"​. 
    Applicants must complete all the fields with the address of the place of planned residence in Spain. If you don't have a concrete address, please fill in the fields for city and province​. 
    For minors, the form must be sign by their parents/legal guardians. 
    Find more instructions 790-C052.pdf here. 

  9. Proof of public or private health insurance from an insurer recognized and authorized to operate in Spain. The insurance must cover all risks normally covered for nationals and must be maintained for the entire duration of the authorization. 

    It must cover at least all the preventive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation assistance activities that are carried out in health centers or socio-health centers, as well as urgent health transport.

    It must be health insurance (not travel insurance). Therefore, it is not necessary to cover repatriations and/or evacuations.

    The health insurance must not have a deficiency, copayment, or coverage limit, that is, it must cover 100% of the medical, hospital, and out-of-hospital expenses.​

  10. ​​Criminal record check certificate. Read the instructions above.

  11. Responsible declaration of the absence of criminal records of the last 5 years submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 

  12. Medical Certificate.pdf. Read the instructions above.

  13. Payment of the visa fee. Cash or Money Order.  
    For citizens of the United States of America the fees are:
    ​         - Main applicant: $190 USD.   
             - Each US family dependent $140 USD.
    For nationals of Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom different rates are applied for reasons of reciprocity. Please check "tasas consulares" if you have questions contact the visa department for the updated fee.
    For other nationals, the visa fee is $94 USD.

    Note that to this fee, the mentioned $11 USD from Form 790-052 must be added (per applicant)

    The processing fee will not be returned even if the visa is not granted or canceled.

  14. Self-addressed and Pre-Paid US “Express-Mail" envelope from the U.S. Postal Service (US Post Office) if you wish to have your passport returned by mail.
    Other type of courier / messenger services (FEDEX, UPS, DHL, etc.) will not be accepted
    Tracking of mailed items is the sole responsibility of the applicant. ​ 

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for family members:

For each dependent family member accompanying the worker, the following must be submitted: 

  • The spouse must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa, together with a marriage certificate (original issued in the last 12 months + photocopy). 
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • The minor children must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa except Criminal History Information or Police Background Check, together with birth certificate (original issued in the last 12 months + photocopy). 
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • Adult children must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa, together with birth certificate (original issued in the last 12 months + photocopy) and ​​documents proving their financial dependence and civil status.
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • Relatives in the ascending line must submit all the same documents as the Non-Lucrative visa​, together with documents that prove they are in the worker's care.
    Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.  ​​

Note that marriage and/or birth certificates must be legalized with the Apostille of the Hague Convention from the corresponding Secretary of the State and translated into Spanish by a certified translator. 

Please verify that amongst the Non-Lucrative visa documents submitted, the following are present:

​- Form EX01 (Solicitud de Residencia Temporal No Lucrativa). It must be filled for each dependant individually. In the case of minors, it must be signed by their parents or legal guardians.
This is different from the Authorization Form EX09 filled only by the main applicant.
Form 790 code 052. ​It must be filled for each dependent individually, as well as the main applicant. In the case of minors, it must be signed by all their parents or legal guardians.
Find more instructions 790-C052.pdf here.
Proof of financial means.​ Please follow the instructions in the Non-Lucrative visa​ website.
Visa fee of $140 USD (+$11 USD from Form 790 code 052) for US family dependents.​​
For nationals of Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Ethiopia and the United Kingdom different rates are applied for reasons of reciprocity. Please check "tasas consulares" if you have questions contact the visa department for the updated fee.
For other nationals, the visa fee is $94 USD (+$11 USD from Form 790 code 052).​

​When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.​



This Consular Office is competent to accept visa applications from individuals residing in its consular district.
  • Who can apply for a visa: Visa applications must be dropped off in person or postal mail by the applicant, or by one of their parents if the applicant is a minor. They may also be submitted through a duly accredited representative.

  • ​ Place of submission:

    Applications can be dropped off in person at the Consular Office (from Monday to Friday 9 A.M. to 1 P.M.). Check our website for National Holidays. An appointment is not necessary. 


    Applications can be accepted by postal mail: No specific carrier is requested but it is necessary that the envelope has a tracking number:

    1405 SUTTER ST
    SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109-5417

  • Proof of receipt: The Consular Office will provide the applicant with proof of receipt of the application with a code that enables them to check the status through the following link.

  • Rectifying the application: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application. The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview.

  • Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is 10 days as of the day after the submission date of the application, but this period may be extended when an interview or additional documents are requested. Please note: missing or mistaken documents will delay the process of your visa.

  • Collecting the visa: The Consular Office will inform the applicant regarding the procedure for the return of the passport and any other original documentation.

  • Visa refusal: Visa refusals will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based.

  • Appeals: If a visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal for reconsideration to this Consular Office within 1 month of the day following the date on which notification of the refusal is received. An application for judicial review may also be filed with the High Court of Justice of Madrid within the 2-month period beginning the day after the date on which the applicant receives notification of the visa refusal or of the dismissal of the reconsideration appeal.

  • The visa is valid for a maximum of 1 yearhowever validity will be provided according to the work period.

The telework visa is sufficient title to reside and work remotely in Spain during its period of validity, so it is not necessary for the worker to obtain the Foreigner Identity Card. However, the worker may request this card at the Immigration Office or at the corresponding Police Station.​

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