Hunting permit

​Foreigners traveling to Spain with the purpose of participating in hunting expeditions should apply for a hunting permit at this Consulate General of Spain only if your permanent address is in Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York or Pennsylvania. You will have to apply even if you are not going to carry any guns. 

You must present the following documents at least 60 days prior to your flight:

Applications are only accepted by USPS to:​

Consulate General of Spain in New York It opens in new window

150 East 58th Street, 30th Floor

New York, NY 10155

The hunting permit might take two(2) weeks, once all requirements are correctly received.

The Consulate does not track mail o​r answer emails/phone calls regarding hunting  permit status.

We ONLY accept Money-Order issued from the P​ost Office to the Consulate General of Spain in New York. 

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