
​The Consulate General of Spain in New York has jurisdiction in the following states: ​

  • Connecticut
  • ​Delaware
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
Consulados de Espana en USA.jpg 

Honorary Vice-Consulates

Honorary Vice-Consulate of Newark, New Jersey
  • Honorary Consul: Sr. Arturo López Domínguez
  • Address: 1400 Birch Hill Road, Mountainside, NJ 07092
  • Phone: +1 (908) 645-1474
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Rochester, New York
  • Honorary Consul: Sr. Sergio Esteban del Valle
  • Address: 300 State Street Suite 201, Rochester, NY 14614
  • Phone: +1 (585) 402-7063

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