Study visa


The Consulate General in Miami has jurisdiction over the following states: Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. 

Foreigners wishing to conduct research, training (non-salaried basis), and take studies in educational centers (public or private) officially recognized in Spain, or have been accepted as Languages or cultural assistants must apply for this type of visa. 

American citizens (or any other nationality that does not require visa to enter in Spain) visiting for less than 90 days for studies purposes do not need to apply for this visa.

All applications for study visas (students and family members, language assistants, au pairs, volunteers, etc.) are submitted IN PERSON at BLS Visa Service for Spain.

The presentation may be made by the interested party or through a duly accredited representative 

The visa collection, regardless of the form of presentation, will always be carried out PERSONALLY by the student/conversation assistant/volunteer/au pair, etc., at the BLS Visa Service for Spain office (3191 CORAL WAY, Suite 611, Coral Gables, Florida 33145  ).

An appointment will be requested on the following website: (National Visas)


Phone number: +1 (786)-329-7199

In the following link, you can find all the information corresponding to this type of visa:

​Honorary Consulates of Spain cannot process visa applications. 

Visa applications must be submitted sufficiently in advance of the beginning of the pertinent study programmes, as the procedure entails consultations with other authorities

The process to get this type of visa might take approximately 4 weeks. This General Consulate recommends not purchasing plane tickets until your visa has been granted. 

The Consulate General of Spain in Miami has full authority to evaluate and request documents in addition to those initially submitted by the applicant. 


1.- One National Visa Appli cation form ​ completed and signed.

2.- One recent photo in color (US passport size), with a white, clear, uniform background. Photos with a dark background or with objects or people that can be seen behind your head will not be accepted. Please do not staple or use any other option besides glue to attach the photo to the form.

3.- Passport or travel document recognized as valid with duration of at least the requested time of stay and must contain at least two free pages in the visa section.

4.- Certificate of admission issued in Spain by any authorized university or school, verifying enrollment as a full-time student, leading to obtaining a degree or certificate. The certificate must detail: Name of the program, duration (start and end dates), address, phone number, name of the person in charge of the program (the certificate of admission must be presented in Spanish).

​5.- Proof economic means to cover the expenses of stay and return to your country, and, where appropriate, those of your relatives. For the applicant's support, a minimum amount of $650 per month unless it is duly accredited to have the accommodation paid in advance for the entire  duration of the stay. For the support of family members during their stay in Spain: a minimum amount of $500 for the first family member and; $325 per month for each of the remaining family members who will integrate the family unit in Spain.

Please provide at least one of the following:

   a) Letter from the university or school in Spain or in the US assuming full financial responsibility during your stay (this is often included into the acceptance letter).

   b) Proof of financial aid or scholarship for at least $650 per month for room and board.

  c) Notarized letter from the parents or legal guardians assuming full financial responsibility for  at least $650 per month for room and board. Suggested wording: “I hereby certify that I'm the (father/mother/other) of (...), will support him/her with a monthly allowance of at least $650 while he/she is in Spain and that I'm financially responsible for any emergency that may arise", along with their bank statements, ID/passports' parents or legal guardians, and applicant's Birth certificate.

  d) Personal bank account statements showing at least $650 per month of stay.

This amount is in addition to the amount used or to be used to cover cost of studies.

6.- Proof of public or private health insurance:

Proof of public or private health insurance contracted with an insurance entity authorized to operate in Spain. The insurance policy must cover all the risks insured by Spain's public health system and must cover the entire period of the stay. It should have no coverage limits (Spanish companies offer unlimited coverage), no grace periods for certain benefits, no co-payments, and no deductibles. Nevertheless, if the policy has a coverage limited to a specific amount, this limit must not be less than 30,000 euros. Travel insurance is not accepted. An Insurance card will not be accepted as proof of coverage.

​If the applicant is participating in a volunteer program, in addition to the health insurance, he/she must also provide a copy of the organization's civil liability insurance policy.

When the length of stay exceeds six months, medical certificate and certificate of criminal record are also required (ORIGINAL AND COPY):

7.- Certificate of criminal record dated no more than five months before the application date, stating that applicant does not have criminal record where they have resided for the past five years. Not applicable for students under 18 years old.

​​You must request a background check verified by fingerprint comparison. The criminal background check must be issued by the US Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 

The background check must be issued within six months prior to the submission of the visa application. We do not accept local police criminal certificates.

The crIminal record must be legalized with the Apostille certification and translated into Spanish by a sworn/certified translator. (The translation does not need an Apostille and the Apostille does not need a translation)




If the applicant has spent six month or more during the last five years in another country/State, he/she must submit the police records from that country/State, legalized with the Apostille Certification and translated into Spanish. If the country is not part of the Hague Convention the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country.

8.- Medical certificate: A recent doctor's statement, dated no more than three months before the application date, with the doctor or medical center's letterhead, duly signed, stamped and translated into Spanish by a sworn/certified translator stating ( Please see Appendix I):

"This medical certificate certifies that Mr. / Ms. (...) Does not suffer from any diseases that may have serious implications for public health in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations 2005".

9.- Driver's license and/or Student Card that proves your legal residence in our jurisdiction.

9 bis.- Immigration status in US (not applicable for US citizens): Green Card, valid US student visa, work permit (stamp on the passport) or parole

10. Test the identity and capacity of the representative. If the applicant is a minor, a copy of the parent's identity document or passport and the document proving the relationship will be presented. The originals will be shown at the time of submitting the application. If the visa is requested through a representative, a copy of the representative's identity document or passport and the power of attorney or document proving representation will be presented. The originals will be shown at the time of submitting the application. The presentation can be made by the interested party or through a duly accredited representative (for which​​ the attached notarized form can be used​).

The minor's original birth certificate must be legalized with the Hague Apostille and translated into Spanish. The copy of the identity document of the parent or legal representative must be notarized.

​1.- Consular fee

The visa application fee is $160 for US citizens and $94 for other nationalities, unless reciprocity fees apply (Canadians, Australians, British, etc.).

​Additionally, BLS Visa Application Center processing fees must be paid.

Consular fees are updated by law. Please verify the current rate at the time of processing.

Applications submitted to the Spanish Visa Application Center will have a service fee of USD 18 (tax included) payable by debit or cash.

The fee is non-refundable.


Collecting the visa: The visa must be collected personally by the interested party or by his representative, if he is a minor, with the need for an appointment, within a maximum period of 2 months, counted from the day following the date on which it is notified favorable resolution. 

​Once your visa has been processed, you will receive a text message indicating that your passport is ready to be picked up. You must go to the BLS offices (not the Consulate). The hours enabled for collection are from Monday to Friday between 3:00 and 4:30 PM.

Once the visa has been collected, the applicant must enter the Spanish territory during the period of validity of the visa. Upon entry and within the first thirty days, applicant must apply for a Foreigner Identity Card or TIE at the "Comisaría de Extranjería y Documentación" in the city where the classes are taken. The TIE will be valid for as long as the student is enrolled in the program in Spain. In the case of minors, this procedure may be carried out by a representative.

If the duration of the studies does not exceed six months, the visa will be sufficient to document the stay.



When a minor is traveling without their parents, the application must be submitted  by their parents or legal guardians duly accredited by post mail.

​​In addition to the documents detailed above (requirements 1 to 10), you must submit the following: 

·         Original birth certificate of the minor translated into Spanish and legalized with the Apostille certification. If the country is not part of the Hague Convention the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country. (Original and Copy). 

·         Notarized copies of parents IDs/passports

·         Notarized authorization letter of both parents and legal guardians to travel to Spain for the purpose of carrying out the activity in question, with proof of the center, organization, entity, and person in charge for the activity and the planned length of stay. It must state information about people who will take care of the minor once is Spain, with their names, surnames, ID or NIE numbers and address. (This letter must be presented in Spanish). 

·         Notarized declaration of the person or persons taking care of the minor in Spain, with a copy of the DNI or NIE and certificate of Sexual Nature issued by the Registry of Sexual Offenders of the Ministry of Justice ( es/procedures/central-registration-certificate) or express authorization for the Administration to obtain said certification


"Relative" means for this purpose, the spouse, common-law partner and children under eighteen or children with disabilities and not objectively able to provide for their own needs due to their health status. Relatives will not be entitled to work during their stay in Spain.

​Foreigners who have applied for a student visa or who are in Spain in the study regime may apply for the corresponding stay visas for their relatives so that they can legally enter and stay in Spain for the duration of such studies or research, without being required a prior period of stay by the foreign student or researcher. The visas may be presented simultaneously with the application for a student visa by the student or researcher, or at any subsequent time during the period of validity of the authorized student residence. 

In addition to the documents detailed above (requirements 1 to 11 ), you must submit the following:

​·         Original Birth Certificate of children legalized with the Apostille certification and translated in Spanish. Attach a copy of identifications of both parents. If the parents are divorced, submit the final divorce and custody sentence of the child legalized with the Apostille certification. If the country is not part of the Hague Convention the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country. (Original and Copy). 

·         Original Marriage Certificate legalized with the Apostille certification and translated into Spanish. If the country is not part of the Hague Convention the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then by the Spanish Consulate in that country. (Original and Copy). 

·         Proof of validity of a common-law partner relationship not-registered previously constituted.


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