Consul General

Consul General

Consul General, Gerardo Fueyo Bros

Cónsul Gerardo Fueyo Bros.jpg

Gerardo Fueyo Bros

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Consulate General of Spain in Los Angeles, with jurisdiction in Southern California and the States of Arizona, Colorado and Utah.

Through this website, which is linked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Spain, we facilitate information about the duties that we carry out and the different services that we offer in the various departments of the Consulate.  At the same time we try to provide answers to a variety of questions that are formulated by Spanish citizens who reside here or by American and foreign citizens who wish to visit or live in Spain.

​Our goal is to constantly improve the quality of the information that we offer and the services we carry out.  To this end, we hope this website is a useful and accessible instrument so we try to update it as often as necessary.  We thank you in advance for any comments or suggestions you may wish to make to improve its contents.

Gerardo Fueyo Bros

Consul General


Born in Mieres (Asturias) in 1966. Married, one son.

Graduate in Economics from the University of Oviedo (1989). 

Secretary of the Embassy of Spain in Port-au-Prince (Haiti); 2000-2002. 

Secretary of the Embassy of Spain in London (United Kingdom); 2002-2007. 

Deputy Director of the Gibraltar Affairs Office (MAEC); 2007-2008. 

Deputy Director of the Human Rights Office (MAEC); 2008-2009. 

Counselor of the Embassy of Spain in New Delhi (India); 2009-2011. 

Counselor of the Embassy of Spain in Paris (France); 2011-2013. 

Deputy Director General for Bilateral Relations with the European Union countries (MAUC); 2016-2018. 

Counselor of the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See, Rome; 2018-2021. 

Deputy Director General for Bilateral Relations with the Pacific, Southeast Asia and the Philippines; 2021- July 2024. 

Consul General of Spain in Los Angeles since August 2024.​

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