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Non-working residence visa

This Consulate General of Spain has outsourced the NON-WORKING RESIDENCE visa applications. 

The management of NON-WORKING RESIDENCE visas will be carried out by: 

BLS International Houston

Address: 2500 West Loop South 3rd Floor, Suite 350 Houston, Texas 77027

Phone Number: +1 516-888-1169


You can apply for the visa  in person by making an appointment on the website or by postal mail at the address indicated above.


Applications that arrive at this Consulate after April 2nd, 2024​ will be returned to the interested parties.

General information

Visa to reside in Spain without carrying out any gainful (work or professional) activity, provided that the applicant has sufficient and guaranteed means to live on. This visa does not constitute a work permit. 

The following family members may also obtain the visa: 

  • The spouse or unmarried partner.
  • Dependent children and dependent relatives in the ascending line who form part of the family unit. 

Required documents​​ 

1. National visa application formIt opens in new window. Each applicant must complete and sign a visa application, filling in each of its sections. 

2. Non-working residence visa application form.pdf. ​Each applicant must complete and sign a copy of the EX-01 form, filling in each of its sections. 

3. Photograph. A recent, passport-size, it must have a white background, the face should be clear and visible, the size of the photo should be 2x2 inches(5x5 cm). Do not staple or use anything other than glue to attach the photo to the form

4.Passport or Official Travel Document. Original and a photocopy of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data must be submitted. The passport must have a minimum validity period of 1 year and cannot be older than 10 years. Please, make sure that the passport has two consecutive blank pages to affix the visa. The passport will remain at the Consulate during the visa application

5. Proof of financial means. The applicant must submit the originals and a copy of the documents (oficial bank statements of the last twelve months of a checking or savings account) proving that he/she have sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of residing in Spain for the initial year of the residence permit, or accrediting that he/she have a regular source of income, and, where applicable, for the family members accompanying her/him. The minimum required amount is equivalent to 400% of Spain's Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator (IPREM) per month (2.400 euros). To this amount must be added 100% of the IPREM (600 euros) for each family member in the applicant's care.

-In the case of retirees, proof of enough periodic income (proof of receiving a monthly pension). The minimum required amount is equivalent to 400% of Spain's Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator (IPREM) per month (2.400 euros). To this amount must be added 100% of the IPREM (600 euros) for each family member in the applicant's care (the applicant can also provide bank statements of the last twelve months of a checking or savings account).

6. Proof of medical insurance (travel insurance will not be accepted): from an insurance company recognized and authorized to operate in Spain (Verification register of authorized companies in MINECO: The insurance must include all the risks covered for Spanish nationals by the National Health System regulated in the Law 16/2003, of May 28, and for the whole intended period of stay in Spain. Medical insurance must not have any deferral period, copayment or coverage limit (without any exclusions), that is, it must include 100% of medical, hospital and extra-hospital expenses. Spanish companies such as Sanitas, Adeslas, Axa… offer unlimited coverage and 100% of the expenses. Exceptionally foreign companies offering limited coverage could be accepted, as long as they meet the other medical requirements and up to a maximum of $500,000.00.

7. Criminal record check certificate. Stating that the applicant has no criminal record in the place where he has resided for the last five years.The criminal background check must be issued by the U.S. Department of Justice – Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  State background checks issued at a local level will not be accepted. The background check must be issued within the five months preceding the submission of the visa application. It must be translated into Spanish by a sworn translator and authenticated with the Apostille of The Hague by the US Department of State in Washington, D.C. The applicant must submit a copy of both the original document in English and the Spanish translation.  Under no circumstances will a criminal background check be accepted if it has been altered or damaged in any way, including damages caused by removing staples. If the applicant has lived outside the United States during the past five years, he/she must provide an additional criminal background check from every country where he/she has lived, translated into Spanish by a sworn translator and authenticated with the Apostille of The Hague, with a copy of both documents. If the country in which the applicant has lived in the past five years does not subscribe The Hague Convention of 1961, the background check must by authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and then by the Consulate of Spain in that country.

 8. Medical certificate.  Original and a copy of a medical certificate, issued within the three months preceding the submission of the visa application, accrediting that the applicant does not suffer from any disease that could cause serious repercussions for public health pursuant to the 2005 International Health Regulations. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE.pdf

9. Proof of residency in one of the States under our jurisdiction (Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas): copy of the US Driver's licence or US State ID. For Non-US Passport holders, evidence of legal residence in the United States: notarized copy of the resident alien card or valid US Visa. Holders of B‐1/B‐2 visas cannot apply in the United States. They must apply in their country of residence.

10. Immigration status in US (not applicable for US citizens): Green Card, valid US visa, work permit (stamp on the passport) or parole, with  a minimum validity period of 1 year.

11. Consular visa fees: one money order to the order of The General Consulate of Spain in Houston. USA Passport holder $152 ($12 for resident permit and $140 for visa fee). To pay the fee for the residence permit at the Consulate, the applicant must complete all the fields of, and sign, two copies of form 790 code 052, ticking box 2.1 (Form).

12. Affidavit: If the applicant is of working age, must provide a letter of termination from the employer stating that he/she will no longer work for that company or, a sabbatical year acceptance letter from the employer. In any case, the applicant must provide a sworn statement before a notary, including the following information:

  • A brief explanation by the applicant of his/her professional background, the reasons why he/she has decided to live in Spain, how long is planning to stay and any other reason to support the visa application.
  • The postal address in Spain, where the applicant will live, at least, the first three months.
  • The commitment of not doing any gainful work, by any means, either on-site nor remotely (online), while residing in Spain.


Required documents for family members.​ For each family member it will be necessary to submit:​

  • All the required documents specified in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 y 12. For minors, the visa application and the residence permit application must be signed by one of their parents. 
  • Documents constituting proof of family relationship with the applicant: birth or marriage certificates issued by the civil registry, certificate of registration as an unmarried couple or any other document substantiating an unmarried partnership with the applicant. US and non US documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 
  • In case of over age children, documents proving his/her financial dependence, the civil status and that they continue to form part of the family unit. US and non US documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 
  • In the case of relatives in the ascending line, documents proving financial dependence and that they are part of the family unit. US and non US documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish. 


This Consulate will accept only visa applications from people living in the consular district (Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas).

Applicants should not purchase their plane tickets until their visas have been granted.

All non-working residence visas require an initial residence permit, which will be processed at the same time as the visa application. 

  • Completing the application: The Consulate could ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application. The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview. 
  • Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is of three months. This period may be extended if an interview or additional documents are requested. 
  • Refusal of the residence permit or visa: Refusals of the residence permit or visa will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based. 
  • Appeals: If a residence permit or visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal for reconsideration to this Consulate within one month of the day following the date on which notification of the refusal is received. An application for judicial review may also be filed with the High Court of Justice of Madrid within the two-month period beginning the day after the date on which the applicant receives notification of the refusal of the visa or residence permit or of the dismissal of the reconsideration appeal. 
  • Validity period of the visa: The visa will be valid for 90 days. Once in Spain, a Foreigner Identity Card must be applied for within a period of one month from the applicant's entry into Spain, at the Foreign Nationals' Office or the corresponding Police Station.