Contacts, Business Hours & Holiday Schedule

Address: Suite 5303, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 - 25253041

Fax: +852 - 28772407


Opening hours to the public are:

The opening hour to the SPANISH CITIZENS is from 09:00 to 13:00Monday to Friday.
For VISA APPLICATIONS, the opening hour to the public is from 09:00 to 13:00, Monday to Friday
Applicants must schedule an appointment for visa application:

Time difference with Spain (Iberian Peninsula): + 7 hours during winter and + 6 during summer.



​Public Holidays 2025:

Table information
01 January  ​
New Year
29 January  
Lunar new year
30 January  
Lunar new year
31 January
Lunar new year
18 April
Good Friday
21 April
Easter Monday
01 May
Labour Day
01 July 
Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day
01 October
National Day of China
07 October 
Mid-Autumn Festival
13 October 
The day following the National Day of Spain 
06 December 
Consitution Day of Spain
25 December 
Christmas Holidays
26 December 
Christmas Holidays​

​On 24 and 31 of December this Consulate General will remain closed.


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