EUFF 2025 - I Am Nevenka



「歐洲電影節」 is back!今年 BC 再度與歐洲聯盟駐香港及澳門辦事處攜手合作,為觀眾呈獻 13 部精選歐洲佳作,涵蓋多元類型,包括劇情片、喜劇和驚慄片等,題材豐富多彩,定能擴闊觀眾對歐洲文化的視野。

電影節當中的西班牙電影代表 妮雯卡的黑箱日誌 將會在 3月 23 和 26 日上映,千祈唔好錯過。

故事簡介: 改編自真實事件—— 1999 年,對政治事業充滿抱負的妮雯卡入職成為西班牙市議員,服務時任市長及其政黨。看起來一片光明的前途,卻是令妮雯卡陷入絕望深淵的前奏。市長濫用職權來進行長達兩年的精神操控、言語暴力、道德綁架及性騷擾,將她的身心摧毀殆盡。最終妮雯卡打破沉默,挺身而出,成為西班牙史上公開控告政客性騷擾且訴訟成功的第一人!全球 #metoo 浪潮未竟,導演以電影捍衛女性尊嚴,以一個令人心碎但強而有力的先例,向容讓女性肆意被欺壓的文化厲聲說不。



Welcome to the 2025 edition of the European Union Film Festival! The European Union Film Festival is back! Broadway Cinematheque has once again partnered with the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macau to showcase a curated selection of exceptional European films for the Hong Kong audience. This year, we proudly present 13 films spanning a diverse range of genres, including comedy, thriller and drama.

The Movie from Spain at the Festival I Am Nevenka will be screened on 23 and 26 March. Don't miss it!

Synopsis: In 2004, Nevenka Fernandez, 24, Finance councilor in the Ponferrada City Council, was relentlessly harassed, sentimentally and professionally, by the mayor of her city, a man used to doing as he pleased, politically and personally. Nevenka decided to report him, knowing she would pay a very high price: those around her didn't support her. Her case marks the beginning, in Spain, of the #metoo movement long before the term was coined. The person at the heart of it becomes a pioneer, the first woman to take a powerful, popular politician to court for sexual abuse and harassment in the workplace.

Programme Booklet

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