HKWALLS Street Art Festival 2025

March 3, 2025


HKWALLS Street Art Festival will return for its 10th edition from 22 to 30 March 2025. International and local artists will paint murals across the Central and Western District, as well as display their digital artworks on LED screens all over Hong Kong.
Over the 9-day festival, HKWALLS will host multiple programming opportunities at our festival hub at PMQ and around town, including a new exhibition initiative, HKWALLS ROOMS, that shines a light on other galleries and artists along with the mural artists. The festival will also round off its program with a variety of other events like special screenings, panels, parties, guided tours, and workshops.

HKWALLS 第十屆街頭藝術節將於 2025 年 3 月 22 日至 30 日舉辦。國際和本地藝術家將在中西區創作壁畫,並在全港的 LED 螢幕上展示他們的數位藝術作品。
在為期 9 天的藝術節期間,HKWALLS 將在 PMQ和市區周圍舉辦多項節目,包括一項全新的展覽計劃「HKWALLS ROOMS」。壁畫藝術家們將與各間畫廊和藝術家共同展示作品,期間將透過特別放映會、座談會、派對活動、導賞團和研討會等各種其他活動迎接來賓。

Date: 22 to 30 March, 2025
Festival Hub: G/F Courtyard, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St. Central
Hours: 12PM to 8PM Daily

地址:香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 PMQ 地下庭院
時間:每日中午 12 點至晚上 8 點


Isaac Cordal (@isaaccordal) is a Spanish street artist and sculptor known for his thought-provoking miniature installations that comment on social and political issues. Born in 1974 in Pontevedra, his small-scale sculptures often depict figures in vulnerable poses, inviting reflection on urban life and the human condition. Cordal's work can be found in cities worldwide, where he creates dialogues between his art and the environment. Through his unique approach, he inspires viewers to engage with contemporary societal themes.

Isaac Cordal於1974年在西班牙出生,是一位西班牙街頭藝術家和雕刻家,以製作微型藝術裝置並反映社會政治議題而聞名。Cordal常常描繪人物的脆弱姿態,讓人反思城市生活與人類的處境。他的作品遍布全球各個城市,創建藝術與環境之間的對話。通過這獨特的方式,他鼓勵觀眾關注當代的社會議題。

Isaac Cordal's participation is supported by the Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong and the EU Office to Hong Kong and Macao (@euinhkandmo)

Isaac Cordal 參與 #HKWALLS2025 得到西班牙駐香港總領事館和 @euinhkandmo 支持


Spanish artist SpY (@spy__studio) creates large-scale installations and interventions in cities across the world. SpY interpellates viewers while engaging them as active subjects in the artistic process. His projects dialogue with the urban environment, disrupt its daily routines, and explore it as a playing field full of untapped possibilities.

西班牙藝術家 SpY (@spy__studio) 擅長創作大型藝術裝置,足跡遍及世界各大城市。他的作品向觀眾提出疑問,並鼓勵他們積極參與創作過程。 SpY 的藝術項目與周遭城市環境進行對話 (產生互動),打破日常生活的慣例,將城市轉化為充滿無限可能的探索遊樂場。

SpY's participation in #HKWALLS2025 is supported by Sino Group with additional screenings supported by Kai Tak Sports Park.

SpY 參與 #HKWALLS2025 得到 SINO 的支持,其作品額外放映由啟德體育園贊助。

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