
63, North Castle Street. Edinburgh EH2 3LJ. (UK)


Telephone: 0131 220 1843
Telephone from Spain:
+44 131 220 1843
Fax: 0131 225 4268.
Fax from Spain: +44 131 225 4268.


Our phone assistance hours  are Monday to Friday 9 am until 2pm.You can also contact us via email on: cog.edimburgo@maec.es 

Although there is a telephone service in all departments, due to the large number of enquiries, as well as for data protection reasons, we strongly recommend the use of the following e-mail addresses:

General enquiries: cog.edimburgo.ven@maec.es

You can send queries regarding the rights and legal situation of Spanish citizens legally resident in this jurisdiction after Brexit to the following address: cog.edimburgo.bre@maec.es  


Social Assistance: cog.edimburgo.asis@maec.es   

Schengen visas: ​cog.edimburgo.vis@maec.es

Long Term visas: cog.edimburgo.vis@maec.es​      


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