Consul General

August 21, 2024

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Santiago Miralles

Message from the Consul General​

Welcome to the website of the Consulate General of Spain in Edinburgh.

We hope that its information will be of use to all Spanish nationals living in or visiting our jurisdiction, as well as to those who are looking for general information. As you can see, our jurisdiction covers Scotland, Northern Ireland and a part of the North of England. 

On our website, you can find out more about the services we provide at the Consulate, how to contact us and how to make the necessary arrangements. 

We include information and links on living and working conditions in the main cities in our jurisdiction, which may be of interest to those who intend to settle there. We also suggest you to follow our social networks, where we try to share additional and updated information. 

The staff of the Consulate General is at your disposal for anything you may need. 

With kind regards


Santiago Miralles Huete holds a degree in Law and began his diplomatic career in 1990. Since then he has held various posts both in Madrid and in the Spanish Missions in Seoul, Hanover, El Salvador, Tunis, The Hague, Maputo (Mozambique) and Singapore. In Spain he has been Director General of Casa de América and Ambassador-Director of the Spanish Diplomatic School. 

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