
The Consulate General of Spain in Cape Town is accredited to the following countries: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and South Africa.



Opened in the early 19th century, the current jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Spain in the Republic of South Africa, with seat in Cape Town, comprises 4 South African provinces, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. It also includes 3 nearby countries, Comoros, Madagascar and Mauritius. Spanish residents or transients in the provinces and countries indicated, should contact this consulate general.



The rest of the South African provinces, Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West, as well as the Kingdom of Lesotho, are under the jurisdiction of the consular section of the Embassy of Spain in Pretoria, South Africa. Spaniards residing or transient in the provinces and country indicated, should contact that consular section. For contact details click here:


Embassy of Spain in South Africa​​It opens in new window


Residents or tourists in Esuatini should contact the Embassy of Spain in Mozambique. For contact information click here:​​

Embassy of Spain in Mozambique

Additionally the General Consulate has four honorary consular offices, one in South Africa (Durban) and one in each of the following countries: Comoros, Madagascar and Mauritius.


Honorary Vice-Consulate in Comoras

Mr. Salim Tourqui
DHL - Moroni
Telephone: +269 773 3179
E-mail: s-tourqui.consul-hon@hotmail.fr

Honorary Consulate in Durban

John W. White

Honorary Consul of Spain

One Space Campus, 2 Woodside Avenue

Kloof 3640, Durban

TEL.: +27-87 1472531

Mobile: +27-83 7107 555

E-mail: spanishconsuldurban@gmail.com

Honorary Consulate in Madagascar

Mr. Hasnaine Yavarhoussen

Filatex BP 1330


Opening hours: Monday to Fridays, 08:30 - 14:30 hours

Tel.: + 261 20 22 222 31

Fax: 261 20 22 301 78

E-mail: ch.antananarivo@maec.es 

​​​Emergencies: + 261 32 11 060 74

Honorary Consulate in Mauritius

Mr. Patrice Robert

Ground Floor, IBL House.

Le Caudan Water-front.

Port Louis, Mauritius

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 12:00 h.

Teléfono : +230 2087289

Fax : + 230 2119561

E-mail: consulates@iblgroup.com;  

Emergencies: + 230 5729 3313  ​

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