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1 de junio de 2021
Por este medio se hace llegar a la comunidad española la información transmitida por la Oficina de Asuntos Exteriores del Gobierno de la Provincia de Guangdong. Se transcribe a continuación el contenido de estos nuevos avisos:
Nota verbal de la FAO de Cantón  (2021) No. 94
(traducción no oficial)
Recientemente, la nueva epidemia mundial ha seguido desarrollándose y la situación epidémica en algunos países se ha vuelto cada vez más grave. China también está afrontando este desafío epidémico. Recientemente, ha habido muchos casos nuevos de COVID-19 en Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Maoming y otras ciudades, lo que ha aumentado la presión y la incertidumbre para la prevención y el control de la epidemia. Para la prevención de transmisiones, una protección eficaz de la salud y la seguridad de los habitantes de Cantón y de acuerdo con las últimas regulaciones de prevención de epidemias de la provincia de Cantón, notificamos las siguientes recomendaciones y medidas relevantes:
I.       Se recomienda que el Consulado General aliente a los ciudadanos de la demarcación, aquellos que no tienen ninguna contraindicación para la vacunación y de acuerdo con los principios de consentimiento informado, voluntariedad y auto-riesgo, que se vacunen activamente para establecer conjuntamente la inmunidad colectiva.
II.     Se solicita que se fortalezca la protección personal diaria de acuerdo con las pautas de prevención de epidemias relevantes de China, la provincia de Cantón y las ciudades de la provincia. Evite celebrar o participar en reuniones colectivas no esenciales y no urgentes en un futuro próximo y posponga o cancele grandes reuniones.
III.    Se solicita que sea cauteloso al invitar a personas no esenciales o con condiciones de salud desconocidas a sus instalaciones o residencias en un futuro próximo. Se recomienda que las reuniones familiares privadas se limiten a menos de 10 personas para minimizar el riesgo de transmisión epidémica.
IV.    Una vez que se encuentra un caso asintomático confirmado o positivo de COVID-19, el departamento de control de enfermedades llevará a cabo las investigaciones epidemiológicas y la desinfección ambiental necesaria del sitio.
Dado que la situación de la epidemia está experimentando cambios dinámicos, las políticas de prevención de la epidemia de la provincia de Cantón se ajustarán en consecuencia de acuerdo con la situación del momento. Diferentes ciudades y diferentes regiones de la provincia también pueden tener diferentes medidas de prevención y gestión de la salud debido a la situación de cada territorio.
Oficina de Asuntos Exteriores de la Provincia de Cantón
Nota verbal de la FAO de Cantón  (2021) No. 95
Informal Translation
At present, the risk of COVID-19 infection looms large globally, and the situation in China remains challenging. Guangdong has recently reported a number of confirmed and asymptomatic cases related to imported ones. To ensure the hard-won achievements in epidemic prevention and control and effectively safeguard the health and safety of all Chinese and foreign expatriates in Guangdong, local governments of some Guangdong cities will perform nucleic acid testing (NAT) and other necessary prevention measures for some population soon. The Foreign Affairs Office calls for the Consulate General to inform diplomats and expatriates that as a necessary procedure for origin tracing and epidemic prevention and control, NAT helps achieve “early detection, reporting, quarantine and treatment of cases” and effectively control the spread at an early stage. The Foreign Affairs Office requests the understanding and cooperation from the expatriates shall NAT or other prevention measures are required by local health authorities.
Please kindly remind diplomats and expatriates of the following:
I. Please follow the Chinese national, provincial and local epidemic prevention and control guidelines, adopt proper self-protection measures, wash hands regularly, wear a mask, practice social distancing and avoid visiting medium-risk areas.
II. Those who agree with the informed consent and commit to bear corresponding risks are encouraged to actively get injections of China’s vaccines through appointment or other channels at their own expense on a voluntary basis.
III. Please avoid holding or participating in non-essential and non-urgent gatherings. Private gatherings should be limited to less than 10 people in this period.
Ⅳ. Once tested as a confirmed or asymptomatic case, please receive treatment at designated venues; if confirmed as a close contact or a close contact of a close contact, please observe quarantine at designated venues. All the people related shall cooperate with the epidemic control department to conduct epidemiological investigations. All the venues will be disinfected.
Asian Affairs Division, African Affairs Division, European Affairs Division, and American and Oceania Affairs Division of the Foreign Affairs Office will maintain close contact with competent Consulates General, establish a communication mechanism, and help to resolve the problems raised by the expatriates concerning epidemic prevention and control in a timely manner.
Adjunto de la Nota verbal de la FAO de Cantón  (2021) No. 95
Guangzhou command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention Notification on Classification of Areas in Guangzhou.
As COVID-19 virus continues to spread globally and domestically transmitted cases occur in some provinces and cities in China, Guangzhou also sees confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections appearing recently. We must adhere to strict prevention and control measures. For the purpose of blocking the spread of the virus and protect the health and safety of the general public, further investigations will be carried out on residents in relevant areas. We hereby notify the following arrangements and requirements:
1.      In Hailong Street, Baihedong Street, Zhongnan Street, Dongnao Street, and ChongkoU Street of Liwan District: All residents shall mainly stay at home, and all non-essential activities must be halted. For each household, only 1 person can go out to purchase daily necessities once per day. All entertainment venues, indoor leisure and sports facilities, wholesale markets (except for farm produce markets); and students and child care institutions shall be closed, offline teaching at kindergartens and training institutions shall be suspended, and dining-in shall be banned at all restaurants. Schools (except for third grades at junior and senior high schools with accommodation and fully enclosed management conditions) shall stop offline teaching. Those with accommodation conditions shall conduct fully enclosed management on campus. For those that cannot provide on-campus accommodation, students shall take online teaching at home.
2.      In all areas of Liwan District except the aforementioned areas, as well as Liurong Street and Guangta Street of Yuexiu District, Ruibao Street and Binjiang Street of Haizhu District, Huanggang Community of Shijing Street in Baiyun District, Dongfeng Village and Liantian Village of Zhongluotan Town, Nancun Community Meishan Village and Kengtou Village of Nancun Town in Panyu District: all residents shall refrain from going outdoors and avoid gatherings. Entertainment venues, indoor leisure and sports facilities, wholesale markets (except for farm produced markets); and students and child care institutions shall be closed, offline teaching at kindergartens and training institutions shall be suspended, and dining-in shall be banned at all restaurants. Primary and high schools (except for third grades at junior and senior high schools with accommodation and fully enclosed management conditions) shall stop offline teaching. For those with accommodation conditions shall conduct fully enclosed management on campus. Those that cannot provide on-campus accommodation, students shall take online teaching at home. Universities shall be strictly managed in accordance with relevant regulations.
3.      In other parts of the city: prevention and control measures shall be strictly implemented. Gatherings shall be reduced, large-scale events shall be strictly monitored, festival celebration events shall be strictly managed and simplified, and conferences shall be mainly conducted online. In principle, large-scale activities such as galas, banquets, shall be avoided, student and child care institutions shall be suspended, and training institutions shall suspend offline training. Appointment, staggered entry, temperature measurement, scanning (demonstration of) health code, mask wearing are required for all indoor public venues. Entertainment venues and other indoor public facilities shall conduct an entry limit at 75% of the maximum reception capacity. Service facilities such as mental health, elderly care, welfare, fraternal and child care institutions as well as key venues such as prisons, and religious facilities shall conduct fully enclosed management. All transportation stations shall strengthen management of passenger flows, and public transportation such as buses, taxis, and online car-hailing shall keep good ventilation. Residents shall conduct appropriate personal protections such as wearing masks, keeping social distance, washing hands frequently, and taking body temperature regularly.
4.      All districts and authorities must give full play to the leading role of party organizations at all levels and party members in containing COVID-19, adhere to improving the party to ensure coordinated improvement, governance and sharing, and maintain social stability. Efforts shall be made to ensure supply of daily necessities as well as the transportation support to satisfy necessary daily travel needs of residents.
The aforementioned classification will be dynamically adjusted according to the latest developments.
This notification will take effect on the date of issuance.
Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19
Control and Prevention